Cash doesn't dictate votes
Published June 13, 2016
By John Hood
by John Hood, Syndicated columnist and NC SPIN panelist, June 13, 2016.
Do state politicians have principles? To some cynical academics and activists, the only way this question can have an affirmative answer is to define the term the way comedian Groucho Marx famously did: “Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them … well, I have others.”
But for anyone who has watched politicians do their jobs up close and personal, it’s hard not to conclude that most of them spend most of their political careers advancing what they perceive to be principled positions on public policy. They don’t put their votes up for sale to the highest bid from potential donors.
Money flows from interested parties to politicians, of course — and this is true across the political spectrum. Labor unions and hardline environmentalists tend to contribute to liberals and Democrats. Business owners and hardline abortion foes tend to contribute to conservatives and Republicans.
In the vast majority of cases, however, politicians don’t change their views to get cash. The causal arrow points in the opposite direction. Incumbents express their general political philosophies in the form of votes. Candidates express them in the form of speeches or pledges. Private individuals and associations then choose the politicians whose views are closest to their own, and try to elect or re-elect them.
I said “in the vast majority of cases” instead of “in all cases” because there are, in fact, some exceptions to the rule. I’ve seen a few myself over the years, cases in which donors seemed to get not only special access to politicians but even acquiescence on legislation. Typically, these cases don’t involve ideological issues of longstanding dispute. Rather, they involve special budget provisions or narrow bills that give one special-interest group a leg up on another.
I’m all in favor of combatting such abuses. One effective weapon is maximum transparency. Budgets, supporting documents, and other public records should be instantly online and easily searchable. Committee meetings should be fully open, dutifully recorded, and held with due notice (and regularity). Political campaigns should be required to use software for booking donations that allows immediate public disclosure, not just eventual paper filings.
To say that private, voluntary funding of campaigns is inherently and systematically corrupt, however, is to go beyond reasonable precautions and a fair-minded reading of the data. It is a set-up. It is a ploy designed to pave the way for coercive limitations on political liberty — on the freedom of individuals to band together to say, print, or broadcast whatever they want, both during electoral campaigns and during political debates on local, state, and national issues.
A recent study of state lawmakers confirms my observations and those of other longtime analysts: most legislative outcomes are not related to the source of campaign contributions. In a paper published earlier this year by Legislative Studies Quarterly, political scientists Jeffrey J. Harden of the University of Colorado-Boulder and Justin H. Kirkland of the University of Houston looked at a “natural experiment” in New Jersey, where some lawmakers were allowed access to government financing for their campaigns while others were not, as well cases in Maine and Arizona where larger-scale systems of government financing were implemented.
Contrary to the usual assertions about money in state politics, Harden and Kirkland found that “public financing exerts a negligible effect on legislative voting behavior.” Legislators with publicly funded campaigns vote virtually the same way as legislators with privately funded ones. These findings appear to comport with those of previous studies on the same topic.
Again, this doesn’t mean we should disregard the risks of vote-buying or other forms of corruption. They do happen. But they are not the norm, and very real risks arise from an overreaction to low-probability events. Restrictions on freedoms of speech, press, petition, and association do tremendous damage to republican government and individual liberty. Make no mistake: many “campaign reformers” know that their favored schemes are feasible only after rewriting the First Amendment, either directly or through judicial activism.
That’s not an outcome worth buying at any price.
John Locke Foundation chairman John Hood is the author of Catalyst: Jim Martin and the Rise of North Carolina Republicans.
June 13, 2016 at 10:55 am
Richard L Bunce says:
Voluntary private campaign donations and expenditures on TV ads is not the money problem in politics. Voters go into the voting both and they are not being paid to vote for any particular candidate by these donations.
The real money in politics is candidates promising large groups of voters government benefits and services to be paid for by other smaller groups of candidates... that involuntary campaign money does follow the voter into the voting booth.
June 13, 2016 at 4:07 pm
Brian Harvill says:
Sorry but this entire article is one huge apologetics exercise. cash in politics is the ONLY concern. Politicians these days do not operate on principle, they operate from the desire to maintain power and influence. In order to get re-elected, they pander to the highest bidder and do whatever their large corporate sponsors tell them to do and principles are suddenly not that important. It USED to be that people's votes were what mattered and then the politicians pandered to the people but now that corporations are in control of the consumer, the consumer/ citizen is no longer of much importance. SO WHAT if the corporations want to pollute the air or water, they are paying the bills and without that money, there can be no campaign victory, no TV advertisement, no "message" to get out. AND WORSE what money that you had planned on is handed to the opponent and your name and power is gone in an instant.
the power of the almighty dollar... we hear that time and time again and unfortunately it is a truth that is our reality. When a corporation can donate BILLIONS to a single candidate and do so in complete secrecy, what good is the measly $100 or $200 donation from a citizen? When it takes billions to run a single campaign, what good are the "votes" of the people, they do not pay for airtime, they do not pay for speaking engagements and publishing/distributing billboards and lawn-signage.
Its this simple... money is power and when you have more money, you have more power. We have seen this FIRST HAND when politicians turn around and create favorable laws for the very corporations that donated to their campaigns OFTEN against the will of the people. Principles???? Who can afford to have any these days? Principles don't pay the bills and they don't get you elected or re-elected. MONEY is what governs government. Anything else is simply willful blindness.
June 14, 2016 at 11:00 am
Richard L Bunce says:
So then you always vote for the candidate that raises the most campaign funds and runs the most TV ads? I bet you're going to say it is not you... it's those "other" people.