Can Pat get back?

Published January 17, 2014

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, January 16, 2014.

Pat McCrory looked this week like a man urgently pushing the reset button. Like a politician who desperately wants to change course before he goes off a cliff.


So first he talked about teacher pay. Then he praised Jim Hunt. Then he was at the airport greeting President Obama, then in the audience listening to the President’s speech. While other Republicans bashed Obama, McCrory talked about a partnership with the White House,


But three people stand in the way of a reset: Aldona Wos, Phil Berger and Pat McCrory.


As long as Wos and DHHS stay in the headlines, McCrory will be stuck with the appearance of cronyism and ineptitude. As long as Berger wages ideological warfare on teachers, McCrory will be dragged down by the legislature’s abysmal poll ratings. As long as McCrory sticks with both of them, he won’t get back to what got him elected: an image as a moderate, bipartisan, can-do Mayor.


Bipartisan words and photo-ops won’t be enough. McCrory needs a bold stroke.  Two of them.


January 17, 2014 at 10:05 am
TP Wohlford says:

It's not like the major press in this state will ever support a GOP Gov, so why bother looking for a "reset"? They will always govern in spite of those folks, and always be painted in the ways that liberal media always portray GOP people (ie, stupid, until they're evil, at which point they're evil geniuses).

I think that if the President shows up, no matter which party, the Governor should greet him/her. Ditto with other local officials. No "reset" in that. It's akin to members of both parties rising to cheer the President when he enters the Chambers for the State of the Union address.