Burr in the big leagues

Published December 24, 2014

Editorial by Greensboro News-Record, December 21, 2014.

Sen. Richard Burr plans to run for re-election in 2016 and knows the price has gone up. “Anybody in my position who says they don’t have to raise $20 million is crazy,” he said in a News & Record interview Wednesday.

But that’s not what keeps him up at night. “I probably lose more sleep over Iran because they’ve got their hands on everything.”

In January, when the Senate shifts to Republican control, Burr will become chairman of its Intelligence Committee.

In just 10 years, the Winston-Salem resident has risen to 31st in seniority, thanks to high turnover in the last two elections. His intelligence chair puts him in the big leagues of national security and anti-terrorism strategy.

“Of all the bad things that can happen, a nuclear Iran trumps everything,” he said, adding that it’s “happening in a hurry.”

Obama administration diplomacy has failed, Burr said, leaving possible military action as a last resort for stopping Iran’s development of nuclear weapons. “It’s the only credible thing we have anymore,” he said. It would not involve U.S. ground troops: “Clearly it would be someone else with our help,” he said.

It’s hard to imagine the U.S. — with troops still engaged in Afghanistan, more “advisers” returning to Iraq and an air campaign underway in Iraq and Syria — would initiate a war with Iran, no matter whose troops were employed. Burr warns that other countries in the region would scramble for their own nuclear weapons to counter Iran, justifying a potential limited war, but that’s a reason to press harder for a diplomatic solution.

Burr also challenged the conclusions of the torture report recently released by Intelligence Committee Democrats. He said he was upset about interrogation methods and doesn’t think they’ll be used again — but won’t rule it out — yet believes they were effective on many occasions.

Information obtained helped detect and stop terrorist threats in the U.S. and Europe and track down Osama bin Laden, he said — “no question in my mind on that.” Eliminating every technique described in the report — Burr mentioned sleep deprivation as one he doesn’t think is torture — means “we might as well not pick up people.”

Burr knows these are difficult subjects, but he believes the American people support the work U.S. intelligence and security agencies are doing to defend the country. As chairman, he will “attempt to hold open hearings that are educational for the American people about our intelligence community.” He also wants to redesign the committee’s approach to provide “oversight functions in real time,” calling directors to testify every six weeks.

Burr said he’s been to “black sites” — overseas locations where captured terrorists are held. He’s had feces thrown on him by a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. He’s been fully briefed all along about National Security Administration activities, which he defends as legal, necessary and limited.

“These are extraordinary times,” Burr said. They are. He should press intelligence and security agencies to defend our country, but in ways that are consistent with American values.


December 24, 2014 at 11:04 am
Norm Kelly says:

Since the foreign affairs policies of the Democrat Party have been failures, now the pressure is on Burr and the Republicans when they (finally!) take over control of the Senate? Where was the pressure on the Democrat leadership when the Democrat party controlled the Senate? The community organizer has proven a complete failure when it comes to dealing with terrorists. He just might be an Islamic sympathizer, but I'll leave that speculation for others. He has not done a good job preventing Islamic extremists from gaining ground & power. He has done a very good job of allowing Islamic terrorists to expand their terror. Which might lead one to conclude that he's sympathetic to their wishes, that he's opposed to spreading American freedom around the globe, and that he's embarrassed about leading a free nation that wishes to spread freedom to even more people. But this does not excuse the slack 'leadership' of the Democrat party in control of the Senate. They also have/had a responsibility. It appears they simply kicked the can down the road, as Congress does too often, hoping someone would have what it takes to actually lead. The ever senile Harry describes 'leadership' about as well as the community organizer occupier does. Terribly!

If Burr simply holds meetings, discusses foreign policy and how it impacts the future of the 'region' or the US, he will be as effective as the current Democrat controlled Senate has been. If Burr does ANYTHING more than this, he will have exceeded the standard set by the existing Democrat-led Senate committee(s). But which lib rag will give him credit for any of this? And what will the occupier do to prevent the Republican-led Senate from doing to improve international relations, prevent a nuclear Iran, or so many other foreign intelligence initiatives? Don't forget, regardless of what the Republican-led Senate wants to do, we still have an obstructionist, hell-bent on saying 'NO' to everything they try, incompetent community organizer in the White House. And if the occupier does stand in the way of Republicans getting ANYTHING useful done, which lib rag will point out that he's the 'party of NO!'? Can we count on the N&D to expound on the positive steps taken by the Republican Congress? Can we count on the N&D to point out when the demon party stands in the way? Can we expect the rag where this post appeared to be any better than the N&D in providing actual news? Well, we KNOW that the N&D can be counted on to support their allies. I don't know enough about this paper to say for sure. It would be nice if this paper were able to counter the N&D rag with truth, information, news, complete stories so we can have an educated electorate going into the 2016 election cycle. Only time will tell if the media will become news outlets again, or if the majority of them will simply remain demon allies. We can still hope & pray!