Blow up

Published April 7, 2015

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, April 6, 2015.

You could hear Republican heads exploding when the President announced a deal to keep Iran from building a nuclear weapon. Predictably, Republicans sided with Bibi over Obama. 


There is something about their knee-jerk response that raises suspicions. Is it really a bad deal, or is it just that Obama’s political enemies are just bound and determined to oppose anything he does? Is it really such a great idea for the United States to blindly rubberstamp everything Bibi does? Is what Bibi says is good for Israel automatically good for America?


The same suspicion rises when the GOP war hawks demand a full-scale war with ISIS. Their reasoning: ISIS is a bunch of savage, terrible people. They behead innocent people and do other horrible things. Even worse, we see it online and on the evening news.


Well, the world is full of terrible people doing horrible things. Like Boko Haram in Africa. But they don’t seem to have the same level of media savvy as the savages in ISIS. Ergo, send our military into the Middle East. After all, it worked out so well last time.


Pardon us for noticing that the Iran deal’s detractors don’t have such a great track record.

April 7, 2015 at 9:29 am
Frank Burns says:

Pardon me for not trusting the word of the Iranian Mullahs. Pardon me for not trusting a president with a track record of poor negotiation. (He traded 5 high level terrorists for one US deserter.) Is it just me, or has the world become more chaotic and dangerous during Obama's tenure? Pardon me for not trusting the poor leadership of Obama and his tendency to place his politics with a higher priority than our safety.

April 7, 2015 at 2:23 pm
Johnny Hiott says:

obama's deal with Iran has nothing to do with preventing Iran from developing Nuclear weapons. It has everything to do with Insuring that they DO develop them. In years past when politicians had integrity and served the nation and constitution instead of their political parties obama would be charged with treason.