May 26, 2016 at 10:12 am
Norm Kelly says:
Is there a difference between wording something with a left-wing bent or a right-wing bent? Or does it come down to being more truthful and less agenda driven?
Try this on for size, the way it's worded in this post: 'And as we stand back and assess the carnage from House Bill 2 - and the Charlotte city ordinance that provoked it -' That's a left-wing bent, misleading. Properly worded, without trying to mislead your audience: 'And as we stand back and assess the carnage created by the Charlotte city ordinance - and House Bill 2 that was the response -'
See the difference? The blame for this issue rests with the Charlotte city council hell-bent on a gay agenda that overstepped their authority. HB2 was the response to Charlotte's over-reach and attempt to pander to a single group while creating a potentially hazardous situation for the rest of us. I know, gay activists, including the mayor of Charlotte and the registered sex-offender who supported her, will tell you that forcing men & women to share the same facilities, as well as boys & girls, does NOT put anyone in harms way. Yet, the gay activists purposely worded the ordinance in such a vague way that it would be possible for anyone to choose to use any facility. Without restriction. And without recourse from normal people.
The major point? Something libs miss? I know, libs miss major points all the time cuz major points do NOT support the lib/gay agenda. There was a lawsuit several years ago where a man wanted to join a for-women-only gym. The judge decided that women needed their own space and prevented men from 'breaking' the lock of for-women-only workout centers. So, you can't work out with people of the opposite sex, but you can use the bathroom or shower of the opposite sex. How's that for mixed up, confused, backwards, and contradictory logic for you? Logic is something that is absent from the lib/gay agenda.
Obviously this editorial was written by a hard left wing zealot, probably someone who is a staunch lib/gay agenda supporter lacking the ability or desire to see both sides of an issue. 'The only people who stand to gain from HB2 are arch-conservative state legislators who hail from arch-conservative districts. For them, HB2 is red meat for the voters, guaranteeing re-election. And yes, we do believe some of our lawmakers are that cynically manipulative.' When lib pols pander to specific groups, when does an editorial call them out? When does an editorial in ANY lib rag refer to any lib pol as 'arch liberal' or 'arch socialist'? When has any editorial referred to any lib pol as being cynically manipulative? When demon pols pander to blacks who lack the ability to get to the voting booth, which editorial claimed they were 'cynically manipulative'? When demon pols pander to blacks who lack the ability to identify themselves to get a (free) state-issued ID to vote, which editorial called these demon pols 'cynically manipulative'? What's the difference? Whether you are a left-wing zealot hell-bent on defending and promoting the lib/gay agenda or you are a journalist interested in making sure your audience is well educated on FACTS. Once again, libs prove they are incapable of recognizing FACTS. No surprise. Chris does it all the time. As does Billary. And let's not forget David Price.
How do libs describe those of us who stand up for common sense? How do libs describe those of us who stand up for our children? How do libs describe those of us who stand up for what's right? 'unbending hatred'. I refuse to let men into the bathroom or shower with my daughter/wife/granddaughter/etc because I have 'unbending hatred'. See, simple. I don't understand common sense because I am a Libertarian and therefore possess 'unbending hatred'. How's that for trying to get along and compromise? Libs aren't opposed to me on substance. Libs aren't opposed to me because they disagree with my economic positions. Libs aren't opposed to me because I think taxes are too high or there's too much control from central planners interfering in my life. Nope. Libs are willing to define why they despise me without mincing words. And libs are allowed to use words that would cause protests and calls for termination from a job if anyone besides a lib used those words. Libs get to describe conservatives with words like 'unbending hatred' without repercussion.
Aren't libs a loving, kind, supportive, open-minded group of people? I can't refer to any lib, Chris, the buffet slayer, Billary, with words like 'unbending hatred' even if it's true. But libs get to throw around phrases like 'unbending hatred' without concern for their future. Aren't libs just a loving group of people? Libs believe blacks are incapable, but it's conservatives who are described as 'unbending hatred'. Amazing.
Sorry. Work for a living. Yes I write a lot in response to lib stooopidity. But that doesn't mean I finish reading their drivel. I try to provide food for thought. And to properly put libs and gay activists in proper perspective. Next time you think libs are on your side, remember if you disagree with them, instead of being included in their camp, you will be described as 'unbending hatred'. Does this sound inclusive and accepting and kind and loving? If so, you also are a die-hard, close-minded, indoctrinated lib. Get used to it. Oh, and you are full of 'unbending hatred'. How does that make you feel?