Average people must bring change

Published July 6, 2014

By Chris Fitzsimon

by Chris Fitzsimon, NC Policy Watch and NC SPIN panelist, published in Greenville Daily Reflector, July 4, 2014.

Politicians of all stripes are sending out their Fourth of July messages this week as they do every year, reminding us of the Declaration of Independence and the struggles, courage, and aspirations of the nation’s founders as they broke away from England and created a new country.

And there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. Independence Day is the perfect time to reflect on the wisdom of the people who created the American democracy and the government of the United States — the more perfect union called for in the U.S. Constitution.

But it’s interesting to get those messages from politicians who spend much of their time in office bashing the government they are part of — the one created by the folks who wrote the Declaration of Independence 238 years ago — and standing with groups who openly advocate for disassembling it, with calls for states’ rights and nullification of federal laws and hints of arming themselves for rebellion against the government they loathe.

It never fails to amaze me when people openly describe the U.S. government as the enemy, as if it’s a foreign invader set on destroying America. The government is us. We are the government. That is the essence of the nation created by the men who wrote the fundamental documents that America has yet to live up to.

The decisions made by our government that represents us are not always right. They are often wrong and make it harder for people in their pursuit of happiness, particularly for the folks at the bottom of the economic ladder, but that’s not the fault of some nebulous faraway government.

It’s the fault of the people running the government, put by there by the votes of Americans in races for town councils, county commissions, state legislatures, Congress, etc.

There is recourse built into the democratic system that we celebrate on our nation’s birthday. If we are unhappy with the way our city or state or nation is being governed, the brilliant solution included in our fundamental documents is an election, where the people can choose different leaders.

There’s no need for armed revolution or secession or nullification. Elections are designed to be the check on power of leaders in a democracy, but ironically, the same people who routinely disparage the government even while they serve in it are making it harder for elections to work, to allow the people’s voices to be heard.

That is especially true in North Carolina in the last few years, where it is now harder for many of the most vulnerable people in the state to vote. The sweeping voter suppression legislation passed last session takes full effect in 2016 unless the federal courts step in.

Surely this is not what the founders had in mind—that a handful of the richest people in America would decide who makes decisions about laws that affect only the people in North Carolina.

Then there is gerrymandering that decides the majority of legislative and congressional races before a single vote is cast in the general election.

North Carolina, a state that is roughly even split between Democrats and Republicans, now has a supermajority of Republicans in the state House and Senate and Republicans control 9 of the state’s 13 congressional seats.

That’s not real democracy. That’s manipulation of the rules of elections to thwart democracy and it is not unique to Republicans. Democrats did the same thing for decades and it was wrong then too.

It’s time for the folks inside and outside our political system who rail against our government to come to their senses and make it easier for average people to change it, through their voices and their votes, not the size of their wallets or the precision of their map-drawing skills.


July 6, 2014 at 1:44 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Let's start with the title of this post. 'Average people must bring change'. We all know Chris is a lib. He proves that to us, and proudly proclaims it, whenever he can and whenever he writes. I have yet to read much of this post, cuz I couldn't get past the title.

When 'average people' get together and vote in the candidate(s) of their choice, lefties celebrate it when it's lefties that win the majority. When lefties complain about election results, and claim average people need to step up, is when the average people come out and vote in opposition to the plans, schemes, desires of the lefties. When average people vote the candidate(s) of THEIR choice, OUR choice, lefties complain incessantly about it. There had to be something wrong that caused people to make such a bad choice.

As I recall, it was voters, legal & otherwise, who chose the candidates of OUR choice and flipped the leadership from the libs to the Republicans. I believe the intent was to change from a left leaning, socialist tendencies, leadership, to a more conservative direction. Get away from government telling us how to live, where to send our kids to school, and reduce regulation in order to spur economic growth. Take back our schools by checking whether Communist Core was the right direction or if it was truly implemented because of a bribe from the central planners.

Average people MADE THEIR/OUR choice. Libs & lefties hate it. You can tell just from the opening. Now, I have time to waste, so I'm going to read the rest of this editorial post. Or as much as I can stomach.

'spend much of their time in office bashing the government they are part of'. No, not bashing what they are part of. Bashing what was allowed to happen to it under the prior leadership, while the current elected are doing what they can to get back to the US CONSTITUTION! This is NOT a bad thing. Bashing what it is in order to create a more perfect union, within the confines & restrictions of the US CONSTITUTION. For some reason, attempting to stay within the confines and limitations of either the state or federal Constitution scares libs. Care to explain?

'standing with groups who openly advocate for disassembling it'. Actually, no, this is a 'falsehood'. Which is lib-speak for a lie. We are standing with groups who openly advocate for limiting, restricting the politicians who have lost sight of their jobs. The only groups, outside of the socialists within the Demon party, that I know of who are trying to change things are those like the TEA people and Libertarians who are trying to control an out of control central planner elite few who believe they KNOW better, and want to force their ideas on the rest of us. It's the libs who are trying to disassemble what the founding fathers masterfully created. It's the opponents of the libs, those Chris wishes we hadn't elected, who are tying to GET BACK to the ideals of the founding fathers, as opposed to the schemes of the left.

'nullification of federal laws'. Yup. This one is true. But why would anyone want to nullify any law passed by the central planners? If the law, like Obamascare, were deemed Unconstitutional as it actually was, then it should be nullified. And if the authorities at the central planner level don't understand the restrictions placed on them by the US CONSTITUTION, it is the RESPONSIBILITY of average people to force limitation back on the central planners. Average people, 'we the people' as we are called in the US CONSTITUTION, are empowered by the US CONSTITUTION to nullify federal laws that overreach, and remove pols who no longer feel compelled to abide by the US CONSTITUTION. People like K, David Price, the ever senile Reid, and the fascist occupier, must be returned to the US CONSTITUTION either by force or on their own. But it actually IS the US CONSTITUTION that gives the power TO AVERAGE PEOPLE to nullify federal laws that are outside the US CONSTITUTION. It is this document that says responsibility and authority NOT specifically granted to the central planners is AUTOMATICALLY and unquestionably granted to the states. In other words, states' rights.

'hints of arming themselves for rebellion against the government they loathe'. Sometimes it's hints sometimes its an outright declaration. Either way, this effort is supported by none other than the US CONSTITUTION. I know, I keep referring to that document like it has any meaning at all. Funny thing is, it's lefties who believe it holds no meaning at all. It's high time, no reference to the occupier intended this time, that lefties go back and read the US CONSTITUTION. Stop looking at foreign documents to make decisions here. Our country is actually supposed to be ruled by the US CONSTITUTION. This document requires that average people, those who vote legally, to rise up and control the central planners.

'the fundamental documents that America has yet to live up to'. So Chris acknowledges the US CONSTITUTION? Really? He'll probably have his official leftie membership card revoked! But has he ever read it? Based on what he continuously writes and says, this is surprising. How have we NOT lived up to the document(s)? Were we not the most free, prosperous nation in the world? Were we and have we not been the most prolific spreaders of freedom around the world? Had it not been for the US, would the world have succumbed to Hitler and his desire/scheme for world domination? Wasn't this an effort in spreading freedom around the world? No? Only in the mind of libs. And I use the word 'mind' quite loosely. For the first 180'ish years, didn't we allow all men to be free to achieve their OWN goals & desires? Didn't this create the most prosperous nation in the world? Yes, I remember slavery and it's lack of freedom. Just remember it was the Demon party that tried to prevent equal rights to blacks. Not just ex-slaves, but ALL blacks. It was the Republican party that saw the value that led to the 1964 legislation. It is the Demon party that continues to believe blacks are incapable of taking care of themselves without assistance from the government. So don't give me grief about my statements on personal liberty generating the best country in the world.

'the brilliant solution included in our fundamental documents is an election, where the people can choose different leaders'. Welcome to reality Chris. I expect your stay to be quite short. Not much beyond this statement actually. The voters, legal & otherwise, actually did rise up and vote. We actually were unhappy with the direction our elected officials were taking so we changed them. It started in 2010 when Republicans took over control of the House. It continued in 2012 when Republicans got more of a majority in the House, and the Republicans took over the legislature and the govs mansion. The voters did exactly what you propose we do. Shouldn't you be celebrating this instead of belittling us for doing so? Did we vote the way YOU wanted us to? Of course not, we voted the way WE wanted to; we chose a new direction. The old leaders, and some still in the US Senate, have not figured out that voters disagree with their direction and we are slowly replacing them with people who know the US Constitution is the controlling document of our country.

'sweeping voter suppression legislation'. Low-information voter warning should precede this statement. VIVA actually brings our state more in line with the majority of other states. There is NOTHING in this LAW that prevents legal citizens from voting. And it is especially NOT targeted at blacks. Ask lefties for proof. Don't hold your breath. This is a catch phrase to make liberal white people feel guilty about preventing blacks from voting. But like most leftie catch phrases, it has nothing behind it. Low-information voters won't know this, though, and Chris and his friends on the left are quite well aware of this and depend on it. It's kinda like blaming the current Republican legislature and Governor for the massive coal ash pond problem. Lefties don't easily admit that the problem has existed for decades, though it has, because this would point the finger squarely at the leftie pols that they support and that support them. Truth sometimes hurts, but it's still truth.

Once again we have a lib telling us that now that Demons don't control Raleigh, gerrymandering is bad. How long did the libs control Raleigh? How many times did they get to gerrymander things the way they wanted? Why is it bad now? Because the lefties can't gerrymander to keep control. Voters decided the direction of our state was wrong. Voters changed the elected ones to the other party to try a new direction. Exactly the way it is SUPPOSED to happen. Gerrymandering may be wrong, but wait until you get back in power to remove it. Then we'll believe you are serious about it. But when you are in control and you do NOTHING to remove gerry, then don't expect us to believe you are serious about it. Let's try something unheard of from the left: show us your scheme BEFORE we elect you to office. Show us, in writing, the document that shows how you would change things to remove gerry from the process. Then we'll have something in writing that we could use to possibly hold your feet to the fire. We MIGHT be able to force you to implement your campaign promises. It would be hard because libs love to tell us that things changed that they didn't know about, there was information missing that has forced them to change their minds and they can't be held to a position that was made in ignorance. Kinda like being for the war before you were against the war. Chris says now that gerry was wrong when demons controlled Raleigh. Can he show us any of his writings, provide any recordings of his speeches, where he was against gerry? How much pressure did he put on elected demons to get them to remove gerry from government? Show us proof that you are serious about this. You aren't elected, thank god, but having any lib show us proof would be a step in the right direction. Kinda like showing proof that VIVA is racist with direct intent to prevent blacks from voting. Doesn't matter that black voter turnout goes UP after voter ID laws are implemented around the country. That's a fact and explanation enough as to why libs don't know this information exists.

Folks inside and outside government DID come to our senses. You don't like our choices but we did it anyway. We decided the direction the country was taking under the lefties, socialists, was wrong and started voting for people who claimed to stand behind and support the US CONSTITUTION. Did we get it right every time? No. But voting for K again would be a big mistake. Her ideas of implementing socialism, expanding the power and authority of the central planners, is wrong for the country and wrong for the state. Average people changed the direction of the state last time we were given the opportunity. Without bloodshed. We've had the opportunity to start changing the direction of the central planners as well. We will soon have another opportunity to continue moving that ball down the field. We have 2 choices in NC. Either we can vote in Tillis, hoping he is the man he claims to be. Or we can put K back in, knowing the woman she is. K claims she is working for the people. K is actually working to strengthen the central planners, expand the power & authority of the central planners, and continue to ignore the US CONSTITUTION. Tillis MIGHT be the right person. For now. K is definitely the wrong person. Can our freedoms survive another round of socialists in Washington? I fear for my kids & grandkids when this question is answered. Our state is taking steps to make it more plausible that our state will continue to be a good place for my grandkids to live. People like K, the ever senile Reid, and the socialist occupier, make it more difficult for our country to be a good place for my grandkids to live. Regardless of how our state goes, the central planners may force my grandkids to live under even more socialism. Their lives would be miserable, leaning more towards forced labor in support of central planners than in allowing them the freedom to become as successful as they CHOOSE. It starts with a valid education, expands to freedom of religion, and includes a health care delivery system void of any central planner control. Of course, the fourth rail in the holy grail of socialists and fascists is the freedom to own firearms for self-defense against a tyrannical central planner-style government. Or better stated as the second amendment of the US CONSTITUTION allows me the freedom to arm myself in order to defend myself against a government that wants to take away my freedoms in order to support their schemes and restrictions on my freedoms. When the central planners believe that THEY OWN what I earn; they are the tyranny that the founding fathers warned us against. When the central planners believe they can control where my religion starts and ends, they are the tyranny the founding fathers warned against. When the central planners, at any level of government, believe they can take money from me in order to reward someone else or to give that someone else a tax break, they are stealing from me to reward someone else. This is immoral and requires that I defend myself against the proponents of tyranny.

On just about every point, Chris is wrong. He briefly gives credence to the US CONSTITUTION, but quickly leaves it in the dust. We need to move beyond the US CONSTITUTION. We need to GROW beyond the confines of the US CONSTITUTION. But ask your friendly neighborhood lib sometime what they believe is beyond the confines of the US CONSTITUTION. Their answer will scare the he-- out of you. Or it should, anyway. If it does not scare you, you have already been indoctrinated into the schemes of the left, the lies of the socialist elite. Or you choose to be a low-information voter. But it definitely happens by YOUR choice.

July 6, 2014 at 8:24 pm
Richard Bunce says:

Computer algorithms could be used to draw election districts just fine. Only data input would be area to be divided, number of districts, distribution of population within the area to be divided and perhaps County lines. Goal would be districts of equal population size and either compactness or equal area. There would be absolutely no population demographic data input into the algorithm so there would be no way it could be gerrymandered as any process with human input does.

There is no impediment to voting for someone who wants to vote. Some of what you claim to be essential such as early voting did not even exist when I first voted. You showed up on election day, positively identified yourself, and voted. The 99% have 99% of the vote, everything else is a red herring including campaign donations, independent expenditures,and TV ads. Voters could change the face of elections in a single national cycle. That they do not tells me they are not really that upset about it... as well as the fact that 50% of registered voters, an even smaller percentage of eligible voters, regularly cannot be bothered to vote. You must really get over the fact the you, Chris, cannot make people give a damn.