NC Spin Articles

Liberties threatened, but not by White House

by Paul O'Connor, special to The Salisbury Post, November 1, 2016. A few years ago, a young friend joined us older guys for a beer at our local spot. He’d been watching a lot of Fox News and had had...    Read More

November 4, 2016

Are unaffiliated voters leaning right?

The big question this year seems to be; why are so many unaffiliated (UNA) voters voting early and who are they voting for? Not a surprising question since they are turning out in record numbers. So...    Read More

November 4, 2016

The great turnout freakout

Back in the olden days, there was just Election Day. None of this Early Vote stuff. Every Election Day, in every campaign I worked in, first thing in the morning, The Great Turnout Freakout would hit...    Read More

November 4, 2016

Storm relief needed

Editorial by Greensboro News-Record, November 4, 2016. The last time the legislature went into special session, it created a storm. The next time should be to clean up after one. Or maybe two. Gov...    Read More

November 4, 2016