NC Spin Articles

Which Way Did They Go? I'm Their Leader

House Speaker Thom Tillis might have said more than he thought when recently remarking that even if voters approve the Marriage Amendment in the upcoming election he suspects it will be overturned...    Read More

March 30, 2012

Your "Must Have" is My Option

A new book stimulates interesting discussion. “The Tea Party and the Remaking of Republican Conservatism,” written by a Harvard professor and a Harvard researcher looks at the impact and...    Read More

March 23, 2012

A Healthier NC Campaign

At the conclusion of the NC SPIN Healthcare Forum, Tom Campbell shared exciting news of a statewide campaign focused on improving the health of our state. The "A Healthier NC" campaign will have three...    Read More

March 22, 2012

Gas Prices Fuel Concern for Growth

In a March 13 Charlotte Business Journal article, UNC Charlotte economist John Connaughton shared some positive revisions to his economic growth projections for 2012 - now projecting 2 percent growth...    Read More

March 17, 2012

NC SPIN Healthcare Forum - Agenda for March 20

What the Health: Can We Survive Our Healthcare System" - Forum Agenda, March 20, 2012 GSK Research and Development Auditorium, GSK Main Campus, RTP 8:30 a.m. Open, welcome, introductions, sponsors Tom...    Read More

March 16, 2012

Politicians, Poor People and Historians

Politicians say dumb things, often when cameras and reporters are present. Then they are forced to admit what they said was dumb or try to defend it. When they choose the latter course they always...    Read More

March 8, 2012

Let the games begin

The May 8th primary elections promise contrasts, excitement and perhaps some revelations. Many races drew large fields of candidates but far too many legislative matches had little or no opposition...    Read More

March 1, 2012

Whose House Is It Anyway?

We’ve yet to hear a plausible explanation as to why a group of citizens was asked to leave the second floor of the North Carolina General Assembly. The group had assembled to protest the “midnight...    Read More

February 23, 2012

Poor ports, no jobs

North Carolina didn’t even get to the stage of offering incentives to Caterpillar, the company looking to locate a new plant and 1400 jobs. Caterpillar wanted to build here because they like our...    Read More

February 18, 2012