NC Spin Articles

My Christmas Wish

Half my friends/family are convinced the world is going to Hell because Barack Obama was re-elected. The other half are equally convinced North Carolina is headed to the same place because Pat McCrory...    Read More

December 25, 2012

Political Choices have Political Consequences

I am a moderate Democrat on fiscal issues, leaning progressive on social issues. I did not attend a liberal Journalism School, rather I am a UNC Chapel Hill Economics major with an MPA (public policy...    Read More

December 22, 2012

Observations of McCrory's team from the middle

Within an hour after naming three cabinet secretaries, a budget director, legal counsel and communications director the media was giving Governor-elect Pat McCrory what-for over his selections. Most...    Read More

December 20, 2012

Let's Focus on Job Creation

It’s about time for New Year’s resolutions. My recommendation for North Carolina politicians of all stripes is to resolve to focus their attention, rhetoric, and legislation on reducing the ranks...    Read More

by John Hood   |   December 20, 2012

The path toward saner gun policies

What it will really take to reclaim the debate and “regulate the Militia” It’s been less than 96 hours since a pathetically troubled young man dipped into his mother’s arsenal of high-powered...    Read More

by Rob Schofield   |   December 20, 2012

Was Justice Served?

Superior Court Judge Gregory Weeks overturned the death sentences of three convicted killers, applying The Racial Justice Act. In the four-week trial Weeks cited several instances where prosecutors...    Read More

December 14, 2012