NC Spin Articles

Tax Debate Heading the Right Way

Life, the old saying goes, is best thought of as a journey, not a destination. When it comes to reforming North Carolina’s tax code, however, I’d say the reverse is true. The journey may have been...    Read More

by John Hood   |   June 13, 2013

House Raised Taxes? No Sale

When is a sales-tax increase not really a sales-tax increase? If you want to make sense of the contrasting claims about tax reform in North Carolina, this is one of the many questions you have to...    Read More

by John Hood   |   June 11, 2013

New Dogs, Old Tricks

Daniel Gilligan, a bright young Democratic policy consultant from Raleigh, offers an analysis of Republican and taxes: “Republicans in the North Carolina General Assembly have got themselves all...    Read More

June 10, 2013