NC Spin Articles

One-party rule fails North Carolina

I’ve gotten angry at our Republican governor and legislature this year. The voting changes they’ve imposed, from injecting partisan politics into our school board elections to eliminating...    Read More

July 31, 2013

How N.C. became red again

One might shrug off the sweeping voting restrictions approved last week in North Carolina as typical of a Southern state under Republican control. But look again: Unlike many of its neighbors, the Tar...    Read More

July 31, 2013

Response to "The Forgotten Middle Class.

This response was written by Jerry Williamson, after reading Tom Campbell's column, "The Forgotten Middle Class" in the Wilmington Star-News. First I want to thank you for this article which was...    Read More

July 30, 2013

Wobble But Don’t Fall

And so it begins. After a weekend of online chatter, media spin, and political fulminations, there can be no doubt that the end of the 2013 legislative session was, in truth, the start of the...    Read More

by John Hood   |   July 30, 2013

A CEO on jobs and tax cuts

A successful businessman – and Democrat – offers the view below on the tax-cut bill passed by the legislature and signed by Governor McCrory. The writer is Reid Overcash, who has been a business...    Read More

July 30, 2013

The Most Backward Legislature in America

I realize many of you in states like Texas, Indiana, Wisconsin, Florida, and Tennessee could tell similar stories, but the North Carolina General Assembly, with its GOP super-majority and leaderless...    Read More

July 30, 2013