NC Spin Articles

A humble pope’s simple question

Editorial by News and Observer, July 30, 2013. It is interesting to note where Pope Francis made his recent comment about gay priests. He was on an airplane on his way back from his first foreign trip...    Read More

August 1, 2013

A First In Freedom Legislative Session

he 2013 legislative session has at times been contentious, sometimes controversial, often frustrating, but in the end, very successful. This has been a good session for fiscal responsibility...    Read More

by Becki Gray   |   August 1, 2013

The fear of the truth on the Right

There are two things that the folks running the General Assembly and the moneyed interests behind them are petrified that people in North Carolina will realize about this legislative session. No, it...    Read More

by Chris Fitzsimon   |   July 31, 2013

Unemployment rate increases in 81 counties

From Employment Security Commission, July 30, 2013. Unemployment rates (not seasonally adjusted) increased in 81 of North Carolina's counties in June, decreased in 14, and remained the same in five...    Read More

July 31, 2013

Rules 'reform' may be a health hazard

Editorial, Fayetteville Observer, July 30, 2013. The General Assembly has left Gov. Pat McCrory a Gordian Knot of deregulation "reform" that he's not likely to untie before its effects begin to make...    Read More

July 31, 2013

Is McCrory over his head?

Maybe Kieran Shanahan quit because Governor McCrory still hadn’t learned his name. The Governor called him “Sharon” and “Karen” at a press conference. Whatever caused Shanahan’s abrupt and...    Read More

July 31, 2013