NC Spin Articles

McCrory off on school funding claim

Editorial by Travis Fain, Greensboro News and Record, August 1, 2013. Gov. Pat McCrory told an N.C. Chamber gathering this morning that the $7.8 billion in the budget for K-12 schools this year is the...    Read More

August 3, 2013

The new state seal?

Source: Talking About Politics   Translation: To be backwards rather than to seem backwards    Read More

August 3, 2013

In the hearts of North Carolina patriots

From the epic poem to Dadaism, political turmoil has inspired new artistic genre. The Republican un-Reconstruction in North Carolina has made its own contribution, the obituary for “our formerly...    Read More

August 3, 2013

The governor’s empty support of education

Editorial by Charlotte Observer, August 2, 2013 Hey North Carolina, turns out you have an education governor after all. That’s what Pat McCrory told a state chamber of commerce conference in Chapel...    Read More

August 3, 2013

The new chief

No sooner did the state legislators vamoose out of town than the pundits begin publishing post-mortems and obituaries. Republicans, they opined, had a ‘breathtaking session,’ marched right off the...    Read More

August 3, 2013

Debate capital punishment

Editorial by Greenville Daily Reflector, July 31, 2013. When the General Assembly’s Democratic majority passed the Racial Justice Act in 2009, supporters claimed it would address legitimate concerns...    Read More

August 3, 2013

15 Yard penalty for taunting

Imagine if you will that Governor Pat McCrory is a star wide-receiver playing for the Carolina Panthers in a Sunday afternoon NFL game.  The Panthers are playing a longtime rival such as the...    Read More

by Brad Crone   |   August 2, 2013