NC Spin Articles

Common Core is a common sense plan

Editorial by Rocky Mount Telegram, August 16, 2013. Even with Congress in recess and the N.C. General Assembly home after its 2013 session, the political silly season shows little sign of ending. The...    Read More

August 16, 2013

The good sense of voter ID

Editorial by The National Review, 15, 2013. It is either the case that African Americans, young people, old people, and poor people labor under some onerous yet curiously undetectable burden that...    Read More

August 16, 2013

McCrory's true approval ratings?

The N&O reports on contrasting polling results on Gov. McCrory that were released this week: Pat McCrory's camp released internal poll numbers Wednesday showing his job approval rating at 48 percent...    Read More

August 16, 2013

Lawmakers may return to override McCrory veto

Gov. McCrory just vetoed his first bill of the 2013 Legislation Session.  The bill he vetoed is HB 392 “Warrant Status/ Drug Screen Public Assistance.”  Civitas recently reported on the bill...    Read More

August 16, 2013

We need an app for gridlock

The disconnect  technology in our schools Editorial by Charlotte Observer, August 14, 2013. On a Thursday in early June, President Barack Obama visited Mooresville Middle School, where students in...    Read More

August 16, 2013

Voting law challenges face tough fight

By Laura Leslie, WRAL, August 15, 2013. Opponents of North Carolina's new elections law may face an uphill battle in court. That's the word from Duke University professor Guy Charles, who heads the...    Read More

August 16, 2013

DWI backlog endangers us all

Editorial by Winston-Salem Journal, August 14, 2013. Reasons abound for the backlog of DWI cases because of long-delayed blood-alcohol testing at the state crime lab, but the issue is one of...    Read More

August 15, 2013