NC Spin Articles

The political payroll

Editorial by Greensboro News-Record, August 30,2013. If a government agency’s overall payroll is down, does it matter if some of its top employees get really big salaries? That depends on what the...    Read More

August 31, 2013

I Have an Unanswered Question

Call me a policy nerd if you like. I don’t mind. ??Part of my job involves commissioning, reading, interpreting, and writing about public policy research. As I began researching my 2012 book on...    Read More

by John Hood   |   August 31, 2013

Sheriffs: Sustain McCrory's veto

from press release from Governor's office, August 30, 2013. Sheriffs from various counties across the state are expressing their support for Governor Pat McCrory’s veto of the Reclaim North Carolina...    Read More

August 31, 2013

Remember Benghazi

The United States response to the Syrian government's use of nerve gas on its own people is complex. Some say we should attack with enough air asset forces to topple the regime. Still others want to...    Read More

August 31, 2013

Brushing aside the governor, again

It now seems very likely that Republican lawmakers will ignore the wishes of Republican Governor Pat McCrory next week and vote to override his vetoes of two bills, one that would require drug testing...    Read More

by Chris Fitzsimon   |   August 31, 2013

Student Congress cuts college Republicans

In a seemingly shocking move, the UNC Student Congress voted to cut the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill College Republican’s budget from last year by 75% in one fell swoop. On Tuesday...    Read More

August 30, 2013

Protect election integrity

Law I signed ensures North Carolina will remain a national leader in ballot access. Imagine if the Transportation Security Administration decided airline passengers no longer need a photo ID...    Read More

August 30, 2013