NC Spin Articles

McCrory's yes-but approach

Editorial by Greensboro News-Record, September 22, 2013. Gov. Pat McCrory took a yes-but approach to some of the regulatory reforms enacted by the legislature this year. He signed the 59-page...    Read More

September 22, 2013

Tea party Republicans disregard middle class

The United States is within two weeks of facing government shutdown, six weeks of hitting the debt ceiling, and four months of repeating the thoughtless budget-cutting process known as sequestration...    Read More

September 22, 2013

Our gambling policies are just insane

The winners: 7-10-22-32-35 plus a Powerball of 19. You didn't have those numbers. Neither did I. But someone who bought a Powerball ticket in Lexington, S.C., did. One winner, $400 million richer...    Read More

September 22, 2013

College sports are money trees

Like baby birds with yawning beaks, college football fans clamor to be fed. So fasten the chin strap on your helmet – ignore the warning label on it (“No helmet system can protect you from serious...    Read More

September 22, 2013

Run, Forest, Run

I’m always looking for something nice to say about a Republican. But Dan Forest? Sorry, I’ve got to do it. Monday, I posted a blog (Let Teachers Teach) saying we should pay teachers $100,000 a...    Read More

September 21, 2013

A Bumpy Ride for Obamacare

Health care is likely to be the second-biggest issue in next year's midterm elections (the condition of the economy will be #1). But while North Carolina Democrats and liberal activists would like the...    Read More

by John Hood   |   September 21, 2013