NC Spin Articles

A poor exchange

Editorial by Greensboro News-Record, October 2, 2013. Last year, N.C. Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin was developing plans for the state to operate a health care exchange. That was before the...    Read More

October 2, 2013

Justice filed political lawsuit

by John Hood, Carolina Journal, October 2, 2013. What’s the Obama administration trying to do? No, I’m not speculating about the president’s strategies for implementing his health care law or...    Read More

October 2, 2013

Evaluating teachers

When I was a teacher, I was evaluated three times during the year. this evaluation was in writing and the principal and I got a copy. Twice by a fellow teacher and once by the principal or assistant...    Read More

October 1, 2013

Nine key questions: Will Obamacare survive

How did it go? Unavoidably, that will be the big question come Tuesday. But there will be much more to it than that. A 180-Day Open Enrollment––Not a One-Day Open Enrollment What happens on the...    Read More

October 1, 2013

McCrory, Media and Mayhem behind closed doors

Last week the Governor invited select radio and television news directors to a closed door (no camera) session where he sought to enlist their support in “positive news” about state government...    Read More

October 1, 2013

Back to the future with health insurance

I believe the origins of U.S. health insurance stem from depression era efforts to help hospitals in our growing urban areas remain open to care for those in need - in essence a pre-paid...    Read More

October 1, 2013