Another NC SPIN panelist analyzes the election outcome

Published November 13, 2018

by Howard Lee, former State Senator and NC SPIN panelist, November 12, 2018.

I am delighted and relieved that supermajorities have been diminished at both the North Carolina Legislature and the U.S. Congress. I have always felt that single party and supermajority governments give us unfair representation and decision making. I am encouraged by the voter turnout and view this as voters sending a message to all representatives and both political parties to stop the bickering and embrace collaboration and compromise. I believe this was the most significant election of our time because the voters took a first step towards reclaiming ownership of the soul of America. When one party dominants, democracy is threatened, and compromise is suppressed.

The last two years for me have been extremely unsettling and in some ways like reliving a personal nightmare of yesteryear as I watched people retreat to the comfort of their clan. But, in my opinion, the mid-term vote gave democracy a new lease on life by electing a “check and balance government”. Based on this outcome, I am counting on moderate representatives within both parties emerging, which I hope will result in a more rational form of governing. I am concerned, however, that unless the leadership on both sides of the aisle is changed or moderated, the next two years could feel just as uneasy as the last two years. 

My faith in America has never wavered, even when I was being oppressed and experiencing discrimination and am proud that the highest number of citizens voted than in recent years.  In addition, I am elated that the results is the election of the most diverse group of representatives, especially a record number of women. Now it is imperative for all of us to demand that those elected take the high road and not engage in taking pot shots at each other. Unfortunately, President Trump will continue his disruptive behavior, which could have a ripple impact at state levels.

In North Carolina I am optimistic that Governor Cooper will be in a stronger position to engage with the Legislature to towards adopting a compromised relationship. I am, also, hopeful that we can expect more respectful negotiations in Washington. I hope all of us will keep our eyes on the prize and not just on selfish interest. At both levels, leaders must be challenged to lead and not just try to dictate. Despite my optimistic tone, I fear the division will continue.