Anarchist alert

Published October 12, 2013

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, October 11, 2013.

The legislature’s gendarmes were searching in all the wrong places.

General Assembly Police Chief Jeff Weaver revealed this week that his 18-officer department is collecting intel on “anarchists,” including Moral Monday protestors. The Chief and his sleuths are on alert for people who are “against government.”


Here’s a clue, Inspector Clouseau: You’ll find a whole nest of “anarchists” and people “against government” in the legislature – specifically, in the House and Senate Republican caucuses.


The Moral Monday protestors want more government – higher teacher salaries, more help for the unemployed, better health care, etc.


By “against government,” does the Chief mean: “against Republicans”?


Republicans were outraged by the IRS auditing anti-tax Tea Party groups. As Bob Dole would say, “Where is the outrage now?”