An empty chair
Published October 24, 2014
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, October 23, 2014.
October 25, 2014 at 10:25 am
Norm Kelly says:
And if media types weren't talking so much about TWCs 'debate', would ANYONE even know it happened? For those of us who are fortunate enough NOT to pay for TV through TWC, we knew nothing about this fiasco and no way to tune in. For those who suffer with TWC service, what percentage of them knew of the show? And of those unfortunate few who suffer with TWC AND knew about the show, what small percentage of them actually watched it?
So, if media types stopped yapping about it, it would continue to be the non-issue that it started out to be.
I wonder how much Gary would have praised K if the reverse had happened? If Tillis had not showed up and K talked to an empty chair, wouldn't Gary be screaming from every rooftop, and repeatedly in the confines of the Noise & Disturber pages what a Wonderful, Awesome, Inspiring job K had done explaining why HER ways and the occupier's ways are the correct way? Of course, everyone, even those who don't waste time reading Gary's posts, knows that Gary would have been beside himself with joy for the excellent job K had done defending herself. Gary would have been proposing to K's campaign that they use excerpts from the empty chair debate in her campaign commercials. We know that Gary would have been writing editorials in the demon ally media outlet (the N&D) calling on K to exploit the empty chair debate to it's fullest extent. Even though NO ONE would have seen that debate, just like virtually NO ONE saw this current empty chair fiasco, Gary would have been praising K for her courage. And it's for sure that Gary would not have been whining/complaining about TWC showing favoritism or bias toward the demon candidate.
Is there any real news out there?