Amateur hour is over; FAA will determine Charlotte airport's future

Published August 4, 2013

By Doug Clark, Greensboro News and Record, August 2, 2013.

"A judge blocked the transfer of control of Charlotte Douglas International Airport to an independent commission on Thursday, pending a decision from the Federal Aviation Administration about the change," the Charlotte Observer reports this afternoon.

So the legislature's power is subject to federal approval when it comes to playing with airports.

Its attempt to force through an ownership turnover, effective immediately, was a plane crash waiting to happen.

This should ensure a period of stability and an evenhanded evaluation of the arguments about how the airport should be run. Amateur hour is over.

August 4, 2013 at 8:44 am
dj anderson says:

"Amateur hour is over" is a dismissive term, smug even, revealing the author's having taken sides, but that's what Doug does for a living. Then, again, maybe the Federal government has the cure for everything.

By statistics, the airport has been well run. I only know two people who work full time in the airport and while, yes, changes are needed to streamline procurement and there's confusion from a recent resignation, plus then there's this change of change of administration which has employees wondering, but I can live with it either way. Some good was looking like it would come from this attention. Now, do I think the FAA stepping in is a good thing? Hmmm, can you imagine two way politics becoming 3 way, and have now not Raleigh, but Washington to deal with? This is politics are work, and who has the power. If the FAA had their way, they'd kill private aviation at all big airports, and this regional authority would benefit private airfields and service in the area. We will see what is now becoming a soap opera of created drama.