Aiken for the win

Published May 9, 2014

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, May 8, 2014.

I’ve been in politics longer than Clay Aiken has been alive (38 years vs. 35), but he took me to school this week.


Everything I’ve learned tells me that if (A) you’re massively outspent by your opponent and (B) he runs three or four ads to your one and (C) one of those is a negative attack ad that you can’t afford to answer, then (QED) you lose.


But Aiken won. (No, the final count isn’t done. But it’s over.)


How? Well, some people say it’s just name recognition and personal popularity. Or maybe the Colbert Bump. Or all the Clay fans.


But there may be something else here – and a lesson for us all.


A couple of analysts have said the campaign relied solely on name recognition. Not true. In the final weeks, short of money, the campaign had one big asset: Clay Aiken and his voice.


Not his singing voice. But a voice that showed he knew the issues and the people in his district.  A voice that is distinctly different from the stale, bitter rhetoric of other politicians. And, above all, a positive voice in a negative din. Amid the ugly glut of attack ads in the final days, you heard one positive voice: Clay Aiken’s.


He also talked to people all over the district. He went on Colbert and MSNBC (true, venues that weren’t available to other politicians). He had a microphone, and he used his voice.


And there was one other thing: In an anti-politics age, Aiken was the anti-politician.


Don’t underestimate him again. I sure won’t.

May 9, 2014 at 10:47 am
Pat Ferguson says:

You have spoken the truth! I have heard him on two occasions and can attest to the fact that he is a breath of fresh air with a new message and new approach to politics. Open, honest, engaging, knowledgeable and passionate to the core about his positions on the issues important to we ordinary people who just want a fair shake and fair treatment - that is the real Clay Aiken I've seen.

None of us should underestimate him - but all of us should hear what he has to say and what he will do for the people of District 2 - ALL the people. What's more - he comes without political baggage! We need him in the US Congress - not just for NC District 2, but for everyone.

May 10, 2014 at 1:41 pm
Norm Kellly says:

'a voice that showed he knew the issues'. Speaking of Clay? What issues? The ONLY issue I saw Clay talking about in his ad was his deadbeat dad and how it converted him to become a teacher to special needs kids. There was no connection between any of the sentences he used in his ad. It was completely disjointed. One issue that's unrelated to the next issue, Clay indicated had a direct correlation. But they were disjointed topics. Meaningless drivel.

Oh, and he was talking about a state issue while running for a federal position. Clay may have gotten more votes, but he showed he's running properly as a Demoncrat. Lack of focus on the issue. Misplaced expectations of where the responsibility for his single issue really lies. No statement of any plan from Clay as to how he believes the issue is to be 'resolved'. No explanation from Clay as to why he believes this state issue should be taken on by him at the federal level.

What did Clay teach us? Name recognition is extremely important. Some people will vote for you regardless of qualifications. In the case of the occupier and Clay, a complete lack of qualifications seems to be the biggest qualification. Say meaningless things, repeat the same meaningless things, and still some demon voters will vote for you. Most of them probably can't explain why, other than Idol, for their vote. But he's cute and he sings nice country, love songs. And he's cute. But he's unqualified. The average lib will say the same thing about Clay that they say about Hillary "what difference does it make now?". The occupier has shown us that qualifications and knowing your issues are totally irrelevant, and some will still vote for you. It's probably that some of those who voted for him felt sorry for him that he didn't win Idol, so they had the opportunity to make up for it now. It's good for his self-esteem. And it made them feel good for Clay not to be a loser.

It's possible Clay said something useful on either MSNBC or Colbert. But I wouldn't know, cuz I don't have any paid tv service, so I can happily not watch either. MSNBC isn't known for news anyway, it's known for drivel, support of demon politicians, softball questions to demons, and not much else. Colbert is a comedy show, so if Clay said anything useful on that show it's as useful as Billclinton going on tv to play his saxophone and people actually thought this was good. Both are pointless, useless venues for politicians. I wouldn't watch ANY politician on any stupid comedy show expecting to hear anything useful. But, since I don't have to fill my head with useless MSNBC/CNN/Colbert drivel, I'm even happier. And more well informed. Which is probably the biggest reason that I know Clay is the wrong politician to represent us in Washington.

May 11, 2014 at 10:26 am
Pat Ferguson says:

Norm, I don't know whether you're a voter, but if you are, it would behoove you to learn about a candidate's positions and qualifications regarding issues that matter to the people - not just the same old network of lobbyists and big money who buy congressional seats as if they were lettuce. Clay Aiken's interest is in what the people want and need in the 2nd District of NC not just the political business as usual - he has no political baggage or favors to pay - that is a new day and a new way. The voters spoke up for him with their vote. Live with it.