After SPIN! Video: John Hood discusses school choice.

Published July 25, 2018

After SPIN! Video from the July 20th program:

In this video John Hood discusses school choice.

July 25, 2018 at 10:04 am
Bruce Stanley says:

Yes, As Mayor Vinroot conveyed at a JLF Shaftesburry presentation last year, from his UNC basketball days and now with his charter school involvement in Charlotte, "competition makes us better".

July 25, 2018 at 7:28 pm
Norm Kelly says:

School choice takes power AWAY FROM elitists and RESTORES POWER to families/parents.

What could there possibly be to object to about this?

Well, if you are an elitist, it's bad for your future. If you can't indoctrinate kids into your theology, you lose power now AND in the future.

(don't give me crap about using the word 'indoctrinate'. if it weren't indoctrination, there wouldn't be such pushback about kids having choice. and if it weren't indoctrination there would have been real research & discussion about Communist Core before it was forced down everyone's throat!)