After SPIN! Video: Howard Lee

Published April 9, 2018

After SPIN! Video from the April 6th program:

In this video Howard Lee discusses what he didn’t get to say on last weeks show.

April 9, 2018 at 6:46 pm
Johnny Hiott says:

North Carolina no longer has an education system. It has an indoctrination system. High school graduates do not know simple mathematics, they lack proper grammar, they know nothing of geography, etc. etc. Want to fix education in N.C.? Go back to community schools grades 1-12.

April 9, 2018 at 7:25 pm
Norm Kelly says:

School Boards don't want to change? Say it ain't so!

And exactly who is surprised at this? What they said is that educating kids, to the best level possible, is NOT their goal. Money! It all comes down to money. And with liberal, alt-left, leadership, they will get what they want. We have a Nickel running for state office who doesn't want to raise teacher pay to the national average, a bogus number, but wants to raise teacher pay ABOVE the national average. So, no changes necessary, only more money. As always, big education DEMANDS more money and you don't need to interfere in their process at all. Go away, be quiet, and fork over the dough you are holding that you thought was yours. Cuz it ain't yours, its theirs and you're just holding it for no valid reason!