After SPIN! Video: Find out why Chris Fitzsimon thinks education funding is about more than teacher pay.

Published June 13, 2018

After SPIN! Video from the June 8th program:

In this video Chris Fitzsimon discusses how education funding is about much more than just teacher pay.

June 13, 2018 at 7:06 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Everybody KNOWS it's not a pay issue. But it IS the issue demoncrats have grabbed hold of. It's the issue the union cares about. Even though it does not directly impact the kids, the education process, it only impacts the power of the union. And it's been proven to be a meaningless comparison. (question that? think about comparing teacher pay in either California or New York with North Carolina. does it make sense? see, bogus comparison, meaningless numbers. except to the union)

But it's also about benefits, something neither the teachers who chose to strike, nor their union are talking about. Because when benefits are taken into the equation, the comparison is less stark, less detrimental to the discussion. And when benefits are added into the discussion, it kinda kills so much of the union argument. So it's for sure the union won't be talking about anything except pay.

Textbooks have largely become a thing of the past, an item of history. Some textbook use makes sense. But NOT most. So to throw this out as a major issue is simply bringing up more bogus useless information to try to make demoncrats look good. Which they aren't really FOR good education, demoncrats ARE for good union representation (and the kickbacks unions give to their demoncrat supporters). Follow the money: it goes in a big circle from the state budget (tax payer pockets) to the union then back to demoncrat pols as campaign contributions. Now you understand why demons are ALWAYS pushing for teacher pay raises. It's not cuz they care about your kids. If they actually really truly cared about your kids, they would increase charter schools and increase grants for you to pick the school your kid goes to.