After SPIN! Video: Chris Fitzsimon

Published March 14, 2018

After SPIN! Video from the March 9th program:

In this video Chris Fitzsimon discusses what he didn’t get to say on last weeks show.

March 15, 2018 at 7:34 pm
Norm Kelly says:

Does a tax cut always result in an income cut to the state? Does a tax increase always result in an income increase to the state? The obvious answer is NO!

Just because some taxes were cut does NOT mean the state will have less revenue. When give-aways, like company incentives, are taken into account, it's possible that tax cuts result in more income to the state. If the state were to reduce taxes across the board, for all citizens and all businesses, it's possible we would not need to play the 'incentives' / bribe game with companies. Companies could see that everyone is treated fairly, taxes are low for everyone, not just a select few, and not just for a short period of time. Companies would be able to plan long term for their state taxes and local taxes cuz they would know that grace period was not expiring.

That's just one example, but there are many. When companies see that their employees will have a smaller tax burden if they move here, they would recognize that their employees get an automatic raise just by moving here. Especially if those companies move from a demoncrat controlled state, where taxes are naturally high. Plus, moving from those same high-tax states to a fair-tax state that NC could be, those same companies would have reduced taxes just by knowing the bribe wasn't temporary.

In many cases, such as the outrageous ridiculous insane soda tax, penalizers (demoncrats) are finding out that their revenue actually goes down not up. Again, a specific example of a tax increase resulting in an income reduction to the taxing authority, but it happens all over the place. Take a look at California, as an example of how NOT to do it. Many companies are leaving the state because of the tax rate alone, then couple the insane regulations, and it makes sense that companies are leaving the nut-job state. NC could take advantage of their loss by making our state more friendly to citizens and businesses - which would result in a tax revenue increase!

So, for Chris to assume that the tax cut could have been half as much and the remainder put into the retirement or health insurance system is disingenuous. At best. But, then, as an alt-left zealot, at even half the tax cut, Chris would have complained. Remember how Roy complained when money was placed in the 'rainy day' fund? Couldn't help it, he's a demoncrat!