After SPIN! Video: Bev Perdue

Published March 27, 2018

After SPIN! Video from the March 23rd program:

In this video Former Governor Bev Perdue discusses what she didn’t get to say on last weeks show.

March 29, 2018 at 10:10 am
Norm Kelly says:

Mike Sleazy was our 'education governor' and what did we get for it? ANOTHER pre-K program that required 'highly trained' teachers to operate. Which meant potentially taking these same people OUT of the existing school systems. If the state is having trouble keeping/hiring teachers, how does adding yet another program to the system? Fewer teachers, more open positions = more kids per classroom, or less trained people teaching kids. No other choice.

And it was nice to see Bev talking about something other than paying teachers more. Cuz if that was all there was to the equation, places like NY and CA would have the most intelligent kids coming out of their schools. And they don't.

There's something besides pay that improves education. And not a single alt-left zealot has figured that out or is willing to hear it. Perhaps with Bev's new attitude, she can start to break the alt-left strangle-hold on a pointless issue!