After SPIN! Video: Aisha Dew discusses how the voter ID amendment targets African-American voters

Published July 16, 2018

After SPIN! Video from the July 13th program:

In this video Aisha Dew discusses how the voter ID amendment targets African-American voters

July 16, 2018 at 10:29 am
Norm Kelly says:

Typical lib. Makes statements with ZERO facts or information to back up whatever crazy thought comes into their head.

Simply stating that voter ID targets blacks doesn't PROVE anything. Why does voter ID target blacks? HOW does voter ID target blacks?

What are you, as a black lib, doing to make sure that YOUR constituents are able to acquire a FREE voter ID card? Instead of simply whining about an issue, what are you doing to make sure YOUR people are not negatively impacted? I know, cuz libs have nothing to say unless they whine about something.

Can ANYONE show stats in states where voter ID exists that blacks were LESS likely LESS able to vote? How about those districts, as in Pennsylvania, where MORE blacks voted for their savior (Obummbler) than were actually registered in the district? How about all the vote corruption in Chicago? Does anyone EVER point to either of these incidents as reason FOR voter ID?

And what is it about black leadership and white libs that makes them feel comfortable saying that blacks are not capable? Why is it blacks seem to accept this slap in the face? Shouldn't more blacks be standing up to these libs stating emphatically that they ARE capable? At what point will libs believe in the abilities of blacks instead of the inabilities? Why is it that libs think so little of black abilities yet it's conservatives/Republicans that are the supposed racists?

Since identifying as a black female I'm waiting for more blacks to stand up to libs and shut them down! If libs can tell their supporters to attack Trump admin reps in public, it's time blacks started attacking libs in public for their disdain of blacks. Do to libs what they want done to Republicans. Call out libs for their racism! What exactly are blacks waiting for?