After Spin - 07/20/14 - "Lifting Restrictions On Guest Workers"

Published July 23, 2014

This After SPIN! Video from July 20 program: Recently a number of North Carolina business leaders called upon Congress to lift the restrictions on guest workers and break the Tea Party stranglehold on immigration reform. Gene Arnold shares his thoughts of their actions.

July 23, 2014 at 4:08 pm
Johnny Hiott says:

In order to fix America's immigration problems we need to start from scratch. Bring to a complete stop all illegals crossing our borders. Deport ALL illegal aliens NOW. Stop issueing ANY visas for any immigration from anywhere in the world. When all of this is accomplished a true census should be taken. Then and only then should immigration be considered. Between the idiotic NAFTA and other mis-named trade deals (which have not benefitted America at all), the overwhelming flood of illegals and of congressional approved immigration and the anti-business policies of the federal govt. America is disintergrating.