Actions vs. words in conservatives' treatment of women
Published July 22, 2016
by Dr. Ada Fisher, Republican National Comitteewoman, published in Salisbury Post, July 21, 2016.
Too often men in powerful positions abuse women. The pathetic advances plied upon women in subordinate positions is as bad as the misosgynist lyrics to violent songs which demean women yet command our ears.
Enter, stage right — one Roger Ailes at Fox News who is being investigated for serious charges of sexual harassment of female news anchors there. Unfortunately, the entertainment and news industry is rigged to save men behaving badly who hold powerful positions and are subjecting women in subordinate roles to often inappropriate and unwanted sexual advances.
John McLaughlin of The McLaughlin Group, a former priest, settled a sexual harassment suit in 1992 while still being allowed to pursue his punditry. And the often esteemed Bill O’Reilly fell under a similar spell in an October 2004 settled suit. Let us also not forget America’s once favorite dad, Bill Cosby, who has yet to be tried for years of actions befitting a sexual predator.
The hypocrisy of these men, who peddle conservative values that belie their actions, is shameful. Unfortunately, men who abuse women in elevators for all to see or in the privacy of their homes often escape punishment because of their money or fame or simply because of their maleness, disallowing the females involved similar counsel.
Steve Harvey and Michael Strahan were accused of battery but now are being allowed to advance to further fame and fortune in the multimillionaire realm without close scrutiny of alleged treatment of women. Don’t worry about the oppression of women outside of our borders while turning a blind eye to where you live.
Another factor in not resolving cases favorably for women who are insulted might be the lack of female justices throughout the court system. I’m hoping the next Supreme Court justice will be an African-American woman. Too often the unreported crimes against women are body blows to us or assaults on the products of our wombs — children whose lives must matter.
Dr. Ada Fisher of Salisbury is N.C. Republican National Committeewoman.
July 22, 2016 at 9:32 am
Norm Kelly says:
Nice rant about mostly 'conservative' men who 'abuse' women.
Let's not forget the one who claims to be woman who didn't just stand by her man when he was abusing and raping women, then lied about it, but she helped to ACTUALLY DESTROY the women who were abused. And how did women react to news that 'her' husband was a womanizer? They made excuses!
How do libs and especially women react when they find out the 'woman' who would be president is a liar, a cheat, and an aid to womanizing? They ignore it and claim she is worthy because 'she' claims to be a woman! Because she is a 'she', the office of president is 'her' destiny. We are supposed to ignore her lack of qualifications. As well as ignoring the fact that if it were anyone else, especially a Republican, who did what 'she' did, that other person would be in jail. But when it's a Clinton, it must be ignored! And the lack of trustworthiness actually propels the Clinton in the minds of mind-numbed lib robots! Bill was beloved by libs, and they say they would vote for him again if he could only run. Why? Because he's such a good liar, he makes you feel like he's just an ordinary guy. But why do people like 'her' so much? She can't lie for anything; her lies are obvious. And she screeches when she's telling lies. Which, if you can actually listen to her, means she's telling lies constantly because screeching is her normal voice!
Nothing about 'her' is redeeming. Everything about her says 'stay the hell away or be sorry'! Everything about her says 'completely untrustworthy, and dangerous to your health & well-being if you disagree'!
Such a shame that the crappy, slug-slime level, socialist, elitist policies of the liberal/socialist left have brought the demon party to such low levels. Desire destructive policies, get destructive, law-breaking, elitist pols! 'She' epitomizes low-life, elitist, law-breaking scum! And those are the kindest words 'she' is worthy of.
July 22, 2016 at 1:03 pm
William Jones says:
Dr Fisher...You conveniently left out Donald Trump who is also the subject of sexual harassment claims. I guess that's okay for your darling Donald?