Act honestly. Enact Voter ID laws that don't hurt access to the polls
Published December 22, 2022
By Capitol Broadcasting Company
It is time for North Carolina’s legislative leaders to stop lying about North Carolina’s Supreme Court just because the high court expect legislators to obey the law and behave in ways that comport with their constitutional duties.
Both statements are lies. Berger and Moore – who are themselves lawyers by profession – know it. They need to stop lying about the court and start acting honestly to pass laws that don’t discriminate and will meet constitutional muster – which is their job.
Please note. We have and continue to support reasonable, non-discriminatory requirements for voters to present photo ID when they cast ballots.
One truth -- that applies to Berger, Moore and their followers in the General Assembly -- is that they are motivated by racial discrimination to enact laws that make it more difficult for Black voters to cast ballots. It is a fact that has been repeatedly proven in state and federal courts over the last decade.
Fact: North Carolina voters, in Nov. 2018, approved a state constitutional amendment requiring photo ID – with nearly 56% of the 3.8 million voters supporting it.
The fortunate reality is that incidences of people seeking to impersonate others to vote is practically unheard of – a “problem in search of a solution” is how Cooper described it. North Carolina voters are an honest bunch. A 2016 audit by the State Board of Elections found ONE case of it among 4.8 million votes cast – that’s 0.00002%.
The next working day, the General Assembly with only a few days remaining on its veto-proof majority – overrode the governor’s veto to enact their unconstitutional law. A law that, when challenged at every level of the judicial process, has been found lacking.
The truth. It is Berger, Moore and their fellow legislators who are acting in conflict with the Constitution. That won’t change when a new Republican majority on a state Supreme Court – including Berger’s namesake son – take their seats.
There’s a very simple solution. Act honestly. Stop looking to discriminate against some voters because of their race, age, economic status, disability or neighborhood.
Enact a common-sense law that allows for a variety of forms of photo identification that help people vote honestly, not hinder their access to the polls.