A Sea Change

Published August 28, 2013

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, August 27, 2013.

Republicans have been riding high since the 2010 elections but, now, there’s a bushel basket full of polls – by both Democrats and Republicans – floating around Raleigh that tell a sad tale.

At their zenith, last fall, Governor McCrory was the most popular political leader in the state. Better still for Republicans, the Governor was unusually popular with Independents – the voters who decide elections.

Now, in the blink of an eye, the good times are gone.

Suddenly, the Governor’s job approval numbers have turned upside-down which, translated into plain English, means more people think the Governor is doing a poor job rather than a good job.

Compounding the problem the Governor’s friends, despite their good intentions, aren’t doing him any favors. Last Sunday, one McCrory supporter wrote the newspaper defending the pay raises and government salaries the Governor’s paying two of his former campaign workers and actually compared the young men to Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson – which was just plain silly.

Republicans have been on top of the world. They won in 2010 and won again in 2012. But now there’s been a sea change. The halcyon days are gone, the tides are shifting, and an ill-wind is rising.

August 28, 2013 at 8:10 am
dj anderson says:

...and this is bad news? If the Democrats can find leadership they can reverse the flip flop of one party state from Democratic to Republican to a true two party state.

Democrats are going to run on:

1. increasing teacher pay to above average;

2. getting rid of vouchers;

3. destroying the IDs at polling places, have 10 more days of early voting;

4. extending medicaid to 500,000 NC'ians; (HooRay)

5. protecting state employee jobs;

6. increasing the unemployment checks from $300+ to $500+;

7. extending the time unemployment checks can be collected;

8. let the City of Raleigh have the Dix property at lower price;

9. End the death penalty;

10. tighten up on gun control;

11. go back to the old tax code, or reform it in another way;

12. give back money to colleges that went to grade schools;

13. let Asheville have that water system money;

14. let the City of Charlotte keep running the airport;

15. Give teachers tenure again;

16. Give more pay for master's degree;

17. give more pay for teachers with board certification;

18. cut back the number of charter schools;

19. raising taxes as needed for above;

20. don't make Rev. Barber mad by giving him his way...

Well, you see what I mean. Do you at least feel it?

August 28, 2013 at 8:45 am
Richard Bunce says:

These two guys may not turn out to be the equivalent of our founding fathers but we do not need to read a judgement about them from someone who would have sided with the King's Men in 1776.