A mystery number
Published January 25, 2014
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, January 24, 2014.
January 25, 2014 at 11:18 am
Norm Kelly says:
So, the facts are that lib programs actually DO NOT work. A conclusion that doesn't take rocket science to figure out.
Once again, the stats show that lib programs actually perpetuate themselves and perpetuate the problem that created the situation in the first place.
Over 20TRILLION dollars stolen from one group of people to GIVE to another group of people, and the situation is WORSE than when we started. What is the lib prescription to fix this situation? MORE OF THE SAME. More failed policies need to be put in place, with larger budgets of course. MORE money needs to be stolen from one group, so MORE money can be given to another group. And the receiving group is actually growing!
So this begs the same old question. Libs, what are you going to propose that's different from what you've been doing for the past 5 DECADES? If what you've done for 5 DECADES hasn't worked, how do you expect I'm going to believe that your failed ideas will succeed if I just let you steal a little bit more money? Why is it that I should believe if the central planners are allowed to set wages, income levels for every person, every job in the country, this socialist idea has any more chance of succeeding than any of your prior socialist ideas?
Show us where in the world, anywhere in the world, that your socialist ideas have been implemented where they have had the desired effect. There are multitudes of examples of socialism around the world for you to examine. Show us just 1 example that proves your socialist ideas have even the slightest, most insignificant chance of success.
I don't look good in blue, so I won't hold my breath while you good libs try to find an example.
Can conservatives show ANY examples of how limited central government interference is successful? Yes. The history of the US before libs started implementing their socialist ideas back in the 20's & 30's. Especially prior to Johnson's new deal. When it comes to income inequality, another socialist idea latched onto by Demons, show us how much better it is in socialist countries so we know your ideas here have even a slim chance of success. If it's good, you can find examples of where it has actually worked.