A McCrory comeback?

Published June 23, 2014

by Gary Pearce, Talking About Politics, June 23, 2014.

 The prevailing Democratic view of Governor McCrory is summed up by this bumper sticker a friend saw:

My child is an honor student.

My Governor is a moron.


But Governor McCrory has a chance to mount his own “Carolina Comeback” in the next few weeks.


He could stand up to the legislature – and even pick a fight – on something big.  Especially something big on education: Teacher pay? Common Core?


Now, Democrats wouldn’t fall in love with him, although they’d love to see Republicans fighting openly with each other.


But Democrats would suddenly start, as the voice on your GPS says, recalculating the route to 2016. They’d suddenly be faced with an incumbent who might appeal to Independents. He might even start looking like one of those rare politicians that voters yearn for, but never find. One who can stand up to both parties.


June 23, 2014 at 5:18 pm
Norm Kelly says:

So libs are still yearning for the days when libs ran the state. And when was the last time that Gov Bev picked a fight with the lib legislature? Do libs like to see libs fighting amongst themselves? Is it true that the only way a lib will even attempt to get along with a Republican is if the Republican stops being a Republican, becomes a RINO, and starts agreeing with libs? Then what reason would conservatives have to vote at all? If the lib plan is that every pol becomes a lib after the election, why not just run as a lib in the first place and not lie to the voters?

I seem to recall that John McCain ran for president. He lost. To a lib.

Also, didn't Mitt Romney run for president? He lost, as I recall. He didn't just loose to a lib; Mitt lost to a socialist.

Why did both McCain & Romney loose their elections? Could it have ANYTHING to do with the fact that they are both RINO's? Just possibly conservative & Republican voters saw a candidate who didn't represent them on most issues, didn't have the motivation to get off the couch and go to the voting place, so the lib won in both cases. What does this prove? It proves that there are a somewhat large number of people who don't want libs in office. What difference does it make if we have a sorta kinda wanna be lib who has already supported state-run health care versus a died-in-the-wool socialist who doesn't just support something like socialized medicine but is a major socialist at heart who wants to fundamentally transform our country? RINOs tend NOT to motivate Republican voters or conservatives. People who believe in the US Constitution are not motivated to vote for a RINO.

Libs on the other hand, will vote for the Demoncrat pol without hesitation. There is nothing that demotivates lib voters other than weather. Doesn't matter if the lib pol cheated on his wife while she was dying of cancer, most lib voters would still vote for that demon candidate than stay home and possibly let the Republican win. It does not matter if the lib candidate has a history of screwing every fat girl that passes his path, lib voters would rather have the philanderer than possibly let the Republican candidate win.

Conservatives/Republicans have shown just the opposite. If the pol is a RINO, chances are many conservative voters will stay home. It's true that any lib pol is worse for the state/nation than a RINO, but RINOs are not motivating individuals, so people stay home instead.

What are libs trying to convince us of? If the Republican pol will only agree with and start working for the libs, then the person MIGHT reach the status of 'acceptable' and be considered a normal human being. What the voters told the libs is that they've had long enough, spent the state into enough of a hole, added give-away programs and regulations to a sufficient point, and that their time to fix coal ash ponds was passed. So, conservatives, it's time to start supporting Republican candidates and help keep the libs on the sidelines where they belong. Never let them have power again. It's what's best for the majority. And the states future.