A major voter 'fraud' probe? Let's do it
Published January 26, 2017
Editorial by Charlotte Observer, January 26, 2016.
President Donald Trump said Wednesday that he will be calling for a “major investigation” into voter fraud (or, as he put it: “VOTER FRAUD.”)
This request might seem odd coming from the person who won the election, not the person who lost it. It might seem even odder given that Trump’s own lawyers argued less than two months ago that “all available evidence suggests that the 2016 general election was not tainted by fraud or mistake.”
But we think the president is right. An investigation into voting fraud is a terrific idea – with one significant caveat: The investigation has to be a real investigation. If it is, it will show what other investigations have shown for years: There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.
What would a real investigation look like? Rick Hasen, an election law expert at the University of California, Irvine, has a few thoughts. Hasen says any legitimate probe would need to be conducted by respected members of both parties. It would need to be staffed by people with experience in actually administering and running elections, and it should thoroughly examine each issue of voter fraud separately. That means distinguishing between in-person fraud and that which might occur at the voter registration level.
Why is that last item important? Because in states across the country, including North Carolina, Republicans have introduced voter oppression laws based on the fiction that there’s widespread fraud in precincts on election day. A legitimate investigation could stamp out that falsehood once and for all.
In fact, a legitimate investigation would be worth the investment if it put an end to all manner of untruths surrounding elections – including that dead people are voting in large numbers, or the Trump whopper that millions of illegal voters (presumably undocumented immigrants) are casting ballots.
Hasen, by the way, has some doubts that a legitimate probe is what Trump has in mind. We share his suspicion that the president merely wants an investigation that affirms what he thinks. That’s why Americans and members of Congress should demand that an independent commission answer Trump’s call.
We also recommend that North Carolina lawmakers wait on the results of such an investigation before pursuing new voting laws in 2017. Republicans hinted at such measures following Pat McCrory’s loss in November, insisting that things needed to be fixed even after the state elections board dismissed McCrory’s claims that fraud may have tainted the governor’s race.
The elections board, it should be noted, had a Republican majority, as does the National Association of Secretaries of State, which responded Wednesday to Trump’s claim of illegal voting.
“We are not aware of any evidence that supports the voter fraud claims made by President Trump,” the group said in a statement, “but we are open to learning more about the administration’s concerns.”
So are we. Let’s get elections questions asked and answered once more. Perhaps this time, Republicans might actually believe it.
January 26, 2017 at 6:39 pm
Bruce Stanley says:
Why not just require voter ID? Then we can be certain all voters are who they say they are when they vote! And an investigation wouldn't be necessary, would it?
January 27, 2017 at 8:52 am
Norm Kelly says:
'Perhaps this time, Republicans might actually believe it.'
On the flip side, there's the libs & media allies to consider. What if a real probe into voter fraud turns up evidence that it really does exist? Which demon pol, which media ally of demons, will accept it & believe it?
The major question though comes down to why libs/media types/blacks insist that NOTHING even be attempted to prevent fraud from happening in the first place. Why do libs attempt to prevent dead people from being purged from voting rolls? Why do libs attempt to prevent those who have moved from being purged? Why do libs attempt to prevent those who haven't voted for a specified number of years from being purged? What is it about keeping non-voters on the rolls that libs want to keep around? Could it have ANYTHING to do with preventing anyone from finding voter fraud? Could it have ANYTHING to do with fraud helping demon pols?
Then there's the problem of media & libs spreading the same lie often. The old lib mantra is that if you tell the same lie often in enough places to enough people, it starts to be believed. Libs ain't giving up on this one anytime soon. They've had media allies willing to carry the lie for them, and willing to cover for them, so they feel safe continuing to spread lies. But when media types do it on their own, without prompting from their masters, one has to wonder.
'Because in states across the country ... Republicans have introduced voter oppression laws'. See what I mean. Nothing prompted the author to make this stoooopid claim, there were no demon pols to defend, no blacks were offended. So, why carry the lie? Is there a difference between trying to make elections fraud-free and 'oppressing' votes? (i thought it was voter suppression, but i can think, so what do i know. maybe the 2 are interchangeable in the 'mind' of libs!) Where voter ID laws have been put in place, what has turn out been for black voters? Has it been higher or lower? Since it was higher, and lazy people don't have to do their own research, didn't that suppression/oppression law fail? How about the idea that cutting back on number of early voting days is bad for blacks? What about the states run by libs where there are no early voting days? How do those blacks EVER manage to vote? See, it's so easy to poke holes in the arguments of libs, cuz there's NO thought behind their spewings! Trump got into office because people are tired of spreading lies, and having to rely on emotions instead of thought!
(none of my comments are racist or meant to denigrate blacks. all of my comments are meant to poke fun at libs. all of my comments are meant to point out that libs are the true racists. libs look at skin color and determine everything about a person. which is the opposite of what Martin said. isn't it racist to make a determination about a person based solely on their skin color? so, why is it libs are considered the non-racists? notice it's only libs who consider themselves non-racist. they also consider themselves open-minded and welcoming. we can use the recent examples of riots, vulgarity, violence and destruction after 1/20 for proof of how accepting libs really are! examine libs for yourself, don't just take their word for it. you too will find everything about lib-dom is a lie! i happen to believe that blacks are capable, blacks can learn, and blacks can take care of themselves without dependence on uncle sam. which lib agrees with me? which black 'leader' agrees with me? which media type agrees with me?)
January 29, 2017 at 5:39 pm
Bruce Stanley says:
The Charlotte Observer editors say "bring it on". The N&O editors say an investigation is unnecessary. McClatchy family feud?
January 29, 2017 at 5:42 pm
Bruce Stanley says:
If there is no evidence of voter fraud, there's nothing to worry about from an investigation, is there? What are democrats afraid of?