A little patience

Published March 4, 2014

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, March 3, 2014.

The other day I was feeling a little down and blue about Republicans’ foibles then thanks to Democratic Chairman Randy Vollmer the sun broke through the clouds.


Awhile back, the Democratic Party had to replace its Executive Director after he was accused of sexual harassment. Last week, Chairman Randy Vollmer fired the replacement and offered the job to a gentleman who’s been accused of sexual harassment not once but twice.


Mr. Vollmer’s choice, Ben Chavis, settled the first sexual harassment case while serving as Executive Director of the NAACP; he settled a second case, later, while serving as a Nation of Islam minister at a New York mosque.


Of course, the more astute Democrats saw right off Vollmer was on the wrong track – but they were rebuffed by a broadside claiming they were ‘disrespecting’ Ben Chavis’ Civil Rights legacy – which usually trumps anything in Democratic Party politics. But not this time. Wiser heads scuttled Vollmer’s choice and, in the end, all the Chairman accomplished was proving an old bit of political folk wisdom:  No matter how many mistakes Republicans make, if we just have a little patience, the Democrats will screw up worse.


March 4, 2014 at 8:56 am
Norm Kelly says:

I was under the impression that a sexual harassment claim against a DemocRAT was actually a good thing, something that moved them up the food chain so to speak. It seemed that Bill's popularity increased every time some woman came out of the woodwork to make the claim. But it may be the difference between Bill's situation and what's going on in NC Demon circles is that Bill's cases were so provably true while the local party's problems are only allegations.

Perhaps if Chavis would come out and claim the charge was true it would help him become a more prominent Demon. Heck, based on recent Demon history, if Chavis could show that it was true, prove that it was true, he might even be able to run for President. With Bill and Barack it's been proven that unqualified DemocRATs have excellent chances of being elected. What these 2 prove is that it's possible the more unqualified you are the more likely to become the Demon nominee.

When unqualified Republicans run for office, we tend to stay home and not vote. Which is worse: electing an unqualified, incompetent boob into office or allowing the other party to win an election? According to Demon history, it's worse to let the other party win.