A hole in the boat?

Published February 11, 2015

by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, February 10, 2015.

Before the sun set, the day the legislature returned to town, the Bull Mooses in the Senate had locked horns with Pat McCrory.


The Bull Mooses are a gregarious lot but they’re dangerous when crossed and, somewhere along the way, they decided there was a hole in the Governor’s boat when it came to fixing tough problems like cleaning up coal ash ponds or Medicaid.


So along with the House they passed a bill that took the coal ash cleanup right out from under the Governor and gave it to an Independent Commission – that the legislators appointed. 


Of course, none of that sat well with the Governor but he’s cut from a different bolt of cloth from the Bull Mooses: He’s affable and easy-going and would rather avoid a fight than start one but, still, he couldn’t take getting shoved aside lying down – so he sued. It was time, he told a special three judge court, to put the Bull Mooses in their place. By telling them they had violated the Constitution.   


That sounded reasonable but it turns out there’s a hole in the Governor’s boat this time, too: Because the folks he wants the judges ‘to put in their place’ also vote to set the courts’ budget and the judges’ salaries.


If Pat McCrory’s going to whip the Bull Mooses he may need a bigger hammer.