A Gift to Democrats

Published July 11, 2013

By Gary Pearce, Talking about Politics, July 11, 2013.

Nine times out of 10 in politics, what you think is a conspiracy is just incompetence. So it is with the Republicans and abortion.


Several TAP readers believe that all the GOP’s thrashing on abortion is a well-thought-out plan to pass new restrictions and avoid the political consequences.


They may achieve the first goal, but they have already lost the second.


Look at it this way: For days now, the news out of the legislature has been all abortion, all the time. Not jobs, not education, not Governor McCrory’s “efficiency.” Not even tax “reform.”


(Speaking of efficiency, we are now 11 days into the fiscal year. Do you know where your state budget is? McCrory doesn’t have enough clout to even get his much-hyped economic-reorganization bill through the Senate.)


Here’s the Democratic message: “With all the work that our leaders in Raleigh should be doing – jobs, better schools, health care, mental health care, better government, you name it – why are they spending all their time talking about more government regulations on abortion?”


This is just like 1992. The economy was tanking. But the Republicans spent their convention talking about “culture wars” – abortion and a host of social issues. Voters wondered: “Why aren’t they talking about the economy?” Bill Clinton got it, and he got elected President.