A Genie
Published July 15, 2016
by Carter Wrenn, Talking About Politics, July 14, 2016.
The four newspaper headlines told a troubling story.
‘Hillary Outraises Trump.’
‘Cooper Outraises McCrory.’
‘Ross Outraises Burr.’
‘Stein Outraises Newton’ (for Attorney General).
What the heck – has some evil genie appeared out of thin air showering money on Democrats?
There was one glimmer of good news: Deborah Ross raised more than Richard Burr last quarter, but Burr has $7 million cash in the bank – a lot more than Deborah Ross. But, at the same time, Roy Cooper has $3 million more in the bank than Pat McCrory and Josh Stein has $1.8 million more than Buck Newton.
Pat having $3 million less than Roy in July isn’t fatal but still…Republicans losing the fundraising war: Let’s hope it turns out to be a bump in the road. And not a sign.
July 15, 2016 at 9:10 am
Richard L Bunce says:
Money does not vote, people do. See Mr. Trump in the Republican primaries this year and see Rep Cantor in his last primary in Virginia. Time to get some new voices in NC Spin... all the old school political hacks are clinging to a world that no longer exists.