A Congressional Double Standard
Published August 5, 2013
by Dr. Ada Fisher, Republican National Committeewoman, Rowan Free Press, August 5, 2013.
Congress has again sold the citizens of the USA a bill of goods to which it is not willing to be bound. This time it is Obamacare, from which the Office of Personnel Management has recently granted them and their staff an exemption.
The Obamacare fiasco continues:
- It is added on top of similar treatments awarded to some unions and businesses
- This administration’s delay request in implementing the employer mandate to provide this coverage
- The elimination of the 1099 tax reporting requirement of Obamacare
- The death knell dealt to its CLASS Act (Community Living Assistance Services and Supports program for the functionally disabled)
- Admission that the program is behind schedule and over budget
- The de facto elimination of a patient’s right to chose their provider
One rapidly appreciates the folly that is Obamacare. Citizens should be outraged and demand that Obamacare be defunded, giving them the same choices of health care available to Congress.
Those of us who bothered to read the more than 2,700 pages of the Obamacare legislation know that it is patently intrusive to the provider-patient relationship, does not insure access to care, waters down the financing of health care to the detriment of patients and their providers, institutes a bureaucracy unlike none seen before and diminishes the quality and character of care already provided to those being insured. All of this while increasing the cost, not decreasing it, which Obama’s game of smoke and mirrors claims. Moreover, Obamacare can be viewed as an employment bill for numbers crunchers, midlevel administrators and other insulators, inserted throughout the process at some cost, whose function it will be to do etch-a-sketch health care by numbers – not on the basis of hands-on care.
Obamacare should be defunded for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is that Congress has allowed itself to again have an exception to the rule and to hold themselves to a different standard of care than that available to ordinary citizens. Since the Supreme Court has ruled that Obamacare is legal as a tax, then citizens and Congress should view this legislation termed the Affordable Care Act as a tax which citizens should not be forced to bear, especially without the compliance of its elected leadership. Repeal Obamacare, a Tax we can’t afford!
In the book, Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions Solutions for What Ails Us, Book I, some might find enlightening discussion of other laws (pages 36-46) to which Congress has exercised an exception or exemption for itself, such as OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), FOIA (Freedom of Information Act), or Constitutional Amendment XXVII on the setting of federal salaries.
We will only get the kind of government which works for us and serves us better when we demand an end to congressional non-compliance with the very laws to which citizens must adhere. Those who don’t comply should be voted out of office and sent home to suffer with the rest of us ordinary citizens, for as noted in Shakespeare’s Hamlet:
To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to…
Dr. Ada M. Fisher is a physician, licensed teacher in secondary education—Mathematics and Science, former School Board Member and as well as the NC Republican National Committee Woman. Her book, Common Sense Conservative Prescriptions Solutions for What Ails Us,