41 Days…

Published August 22, 2013

by Katherine Restrepo, The Locker Room, August 21, 2013.

41 days Steth Scaled Down…Until the Obamacare health insurance marketplaces are scheduled to go live.

The individual marketplaces will fail if not enough people sign up to purchase heavily regulated health plans.  Of the 7 million Americans needed to purchase health coverage to sustain the online marketplaces, more than 2 million consumers must be young, healthy citizens (ages 18-30).  The government relies heavily on the young invincibles to sign up for insurance so their unnecessarily high premiums will subsidize the premiums of the unhealthy.

This week in Houston, Texas, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebeliusannounced that the Obama administration has created a video competition that will award $30,000 in prizes for young individuals who create the best Obamacare ads.

Houston, we have a problem.

If the federal health law was sound policy, the Obama administration would not be scrambling to make it work.  Evidently, the landmark legislation incessantly produces more unintended consequences.  Over half of the law’s implementation dates have been delayed.  Only 12 percent of the public supports the individual mandate.  Let me repeat that — only 12 percent of the public supports the individual mandate.  Even members of Congress didn’t like the fact that they once were required to follow the law they themselves implemented.

Having health insurance can be critical to one’s longevity, but people should not be penalized for opting out.  If the young and healthy would rather pay a tax of $95 or 1% of their income (whichever is greater), that’s their individual right.  We live in a country founded upon principles of individual choice and personal responsibility.

August 22, 2013 at 11:55 am
dj anderson says:

"If the federal health law was sound policy, the Obama administration would not be scrambling to make it work." - article

Should not something this big take some scrambling to work, sound policy or not?

August 22, 2013 at 12:16 pm
dj anderson says:

"We live in a country founded upon principles of individual choice and personal responsibility." - article

Founded on, yes, but not currently based on that principal. Face it, the rugged old, self-sufficient stoic rural farmer family with spartan lifestyle & a spiritual faith whose sweat produced food enough for hundreds out of some soil, sunshine and rain has been replaced by the very dependent, salaried urban service worker who's disconnected from extended family and who needs substances to relax when seeking happiness in material things. Can't give a chicken for payment for a house call in these days of expensive scans and tests.

Bottom line, just as Hillary said in her campaign and Obama denied, everyone, including the young and healthy, must participate in any national comprehensive health plan. There can be no opting out, and there will be increasingly high penalties for trying to.

August 22, 2013 at 12:45 pm
Talmadge Walker says:

I find it seriously disturbing that so many employees of Pope's John Locke Foundation don't bother to acknowledge that connection on NC Spin. What are they afraid of?

August 22, 2013 at 8:02 pm
dj anderson says:

Talmadge, be specific please.

1. is there a stealth John Locke person that I don't know about? I mean, they seem very obvious unless someone is tricking us.

2. is there now a new liberal censor commandment that we democrats should not hear opposing opinions on NCSpin. There's the very repeated warnings for liberals to not listen to Fox or consider any viewpoint from Fox. Fox and Spin are far apart. Limbaugh is another, but that's radio - a whole 'nother world.

3. Pope, Art Pope, the man with the papal name, as opposed to Koch, whose name is more Grinch sounding, seems to have arisen to become the Darth Vader of NC politics - the leader of the pack, the brains, head honcho.

Democrats fear or hate Pope as an arch enemy, suggesting Art has unnaturally great powers of manipulation. The name Pope is invoked in such a sinister manner that my brain is injecting the bass notes from Jaws ...do do doo do.. (best I can do) as my eye sees it coming. Every great drama needs a villain. The best Republicans can muster from the Democratic side, stateside, is Rev. Barber, who coincidentally does dress like the Pope without a hat, as someone pointed out.

So, NC has a man named Pope leading one side, and a man dressed Pope like leading the other. Ever think you are going crazy and someone in casting is writing us a script. I'm saying this on a site called NC SPIN!