2014 the year to increase personal responsibility
Published January 6, 2014
by Bill Moore, Beaufort Observer, January 4, 2014.
As we enter the New Year, it seems most important we discuss an action we could all do and demand of others. This one single action by all would do more to fix our economic and social issues as a Nation than any other programs currently in place.
As individuals we all need to demonstrate and demand personal responsibility from all we know through blood, work, socially and at all levels of government. Let me start by again saying that true Conservatives want to help those in need and provide a safety net for those who need it. However, that net should not be permanent nor should it become a hammock. It should be designed to give temporary assistance for those who need it and help them to get back on their feet and again be self – supportive and contributing members of society.
Liberal minds do not believe in the ability of an individual to succeed. Thus their only choices are to constantly create permanent programs that are degrading to individuals in the long run. For if they were all to be held personally responsible, it would lessen their need for government and the power Liberals seek.
Several examples of this include the recent push to raise the minimum wage up to $15.00 an hour. The argument is people cannot support their families on that amount. Several points to that. Instead why not hold the individual responsible for not taking advantage of the educational advantages provided free in this nation. Though Pell Grants an individual can attend a two year college basically free. The grant for the economically disadvantaged provides tuition, books and a little extra for most schools. Liberals instead say we must raise the minimum wage so people can have a proper standard of living. Instead let us offer job retraining so an individual can gain a skill and improve their own lot and more importantly their own self -worth.
Another example would be a recertification of unemployment benefits to 99 weeks. There are people who made no attempt to look for work while they had benefits. There is a requirement you must be looking for work to draw benefits. The reality is no one verifies this is being done. A Conservative approach would be to tie unemployment benefits to verified work searches and job retraining. Job re- training would be in areas where the Department of Labor has indicated a shortage of trained workers either currently exists or will exist in the immediate future. The Liberal mind would just keep extending the benefits regardless of how it effects the economy and the individuals self -worth.
I also find the Liberal mind fascinating in their desire to build a strong allegiance/ reliance to the Federal Government. They have taken a united stand on “control of a women’s body”. Based on this stance no one has the right to decide what a woman does with her body. She can have abortions at will and get free contraceptives. What they fail to address is the following concept. If a society has no right to control any aspect of a woman’s sexual activities, why are they responsible for paying for abortions, or the birth and rearing of a child? Following that premise, if a people were held accountable for the creation of a child and supporting them, there might be less unwanted children in this world. Taking Personal Responsibility would definitely help these issues.
If we all agree to responsible for our actions and to hold others responsible for theirs, we could change the direction of the Nation and start to address the budget issues. Taking Personal Responsibility is what made this nation great and different from European Nations. We need to demand of our Government they put into place programs that help those who really need it but also help them to take responsibility for the improvement of their lives. In 2014, let us all vow to support candidates that will provide safety nets for those in truly need but also support Personal Responsibility.
January 6, 2014 at 9:19 am
Norm Kelly says:
It's obvious why this editorial didn't run in the N&D.
Personal Responsibility is antithetical to the DemocRAT party. Everything they stand for depends on people not willing to take responsibility for themselves. And a true Demoncrat will tell you that prosperity in this country didn't start until the New Deal. It was social/socialist programs that allowed more people to move into the middle class, out of poverty.
If more Personal Responsibility were to exist, many, if not most, of the current problems with our economy, financial state, welfare state, education, family life would disappear. For libs, this means those items would go away and no longer require your 'assistance' to fix. The worst part about the feds/libs/government getting involved is that they don't actually fix anything. And their intent isn't really to fix anything. Their intent, as the editorial points out, is simply to move power, control, authority to the central planners. Which is anti-Constitutional. And they are aware that their plans are unConstitutional. Otherwise, why would they place justices on the Supreme Court who find it necessary to reference foreign law to justify their position? Everyone knows that SCOTUS is supposed to decide based on OUR Constitution. Except the libs. They prefer that SCOTUS look to foreigners for opinions as long as it supports the liberal position.
I won't hold my breath waiting for a majority of Demons to get on board with Personal Responsibility. There's a better chance of hell freezing over. Even with global warming.