#1 deterrent to Democrats' resurgence is clinging to 20th century priorities

Published June 1, 2017

by John Davis, The John Davis Report, May 31, 2017.

Democrats have a bright future here in North Carolina and around the nation, assuming they can get beyond their strategy of inclusiveness that excludes everyone except minorities and liberals; if they can come down off the political high ground of ideological rigidity and shift their focus to casting a net of economic opportunities wide enough to rebuild a winning coalition.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, former Chief of Staff to President Barack Obama, said as much at the Stanford Graduate School of Business on February 6, 2017.  Emanuel said that Democrats would rather be right than win. (In my 40 years as a political professional, I have never heard that expression used to describe anyone but Republicans.)

"Winning's everything," implored Emanuel. "If you don't win, you can't make the public policy. I say that because it is hard for people in our party to accept that principle. Sometimes, you've just got to win, OK? Our party likes to be right, even if they lose."

Today’s establishment Democrats are losing because they are clinging to 20th Century strategic priorities like civil rights, women’s liberation and Great Society poverty programs as if no progress has been made in the last 50 years; as if nothing should be as important to today’s emerging generations of Democrats than yesterday’s agenda.

But, what could be as important as civil rights, women’s liberation and poverty programs?

African American talk show host Tavis Smiley, in a conversation with Alyona Minkovski on HuffPost Live on January 15, 2016, stated, “Sadly — and it pains me to say this — over the last decade, black folk, in the era of Obama, have lost ground in every major economic category.”

Despite the tough times for African Americans and middle class white voters under Obama … higher poverty rate, lower median household income, declining net worth, widening wealth gap, and the lowest labor force participation rate since those numbers have been kept … the Clinton campaign failed to prioritize economic opportunity.

"This is the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for, and that is how to maintain a burgeoning middle class," said former Vice President Joe Biden at the University of Pennsylvania, March 31, 2017 .

Instead, Clinton focused on old-school racial pandering.  “You know,” she said, “to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic — you name it.”

Biden, who has spoken about the “elitism that’s crept in party thinking” when arguing that working-class Trump voters are not racists, told the audience at Penn, "They're all the people I grew up with. And they're not racist. They're not sexist. But we didn't talk to them," Biden said.

So, how did that elitist strategy of inclusiveness that excludes everyone except minorities and liberals and fails to address the economic concerns of middle class voters work out for Democrats?

During President Barack Obama’s administration, yesterday’s agenda yielded nothing but one catastrophic political loss after another.  A net loss of 1,024 seats at the state and federal levels: 13 fewer Democratic governors, 9 fewer U.S. Senators, 63 fewer U.S. House members, a whopping 949 fewer state legislators and 29 fewer Democratic-led state legislative chambers.

Lost the U.S. Senate and House, the White House and, worst yet, the U.S. Supreme Court.

North Carolina Democrats need to have a planning retreat and discuss why only 53% of 18-to-25-year-old voters turned out to vote in 2016 with Hillary Clinton as their nominee.  Why only 57% of African American male voters bothered to turn out last year.  All likely Democrats.

Democrats need to huddle up and figure out why their party, traditionally the friend of the blue-collar worker in America, lost working class voters in Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, culminating in the defeat of Hillary Clinton.

Democrats have a bright future, because emerging generations of voters lean Democratic.

Whole new generations of multi-cultural, socially tolerant young voters are poised to flex their political muscle.  Cities are teaming with predictably Democratic-friendly young voters.  North Carolina’s universities, healthcare institutions and major corporations are attracting young, progressive thinkers from around the nation.

Republicans in Raleigh and Washington D.C. are pushing the new generations of voters to the Democratic Party with their own ideological rigidity.  Yet, new generations of likely Democrats are being turned off just as much by older generations of out-of-touch Democrats who do not know when to take their old-school priorities and exit stage left.

It’s time for old school Democrats with their 20th Century priorities to let go.  Yes, that includes Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Despite all that they have accomplished, they have also exploited their positions of public esteem for hundreds of millions of dollars in personal wealth.  And, they have maintained their grip on power through sneaky, behind-closed-doors establishment politics such as the schemes exposed by DNC WikiLeaks emails to undermine the nomination of Bernie Sanders.

Simply put, younger generations will never follow old-school pandering politicians who cheat to get ahead.  Nor will they follow establishment Democrats who espouse the elitist strategy of inclusiveness that excludes everyone except minorities and liberals and fails to cast a net of economic opportunities wide enough to rebuild a winning coalition that includes middle-class voters.

Establishment Democrats clinging to 20th Century priorities are #1 deterrent to 21st Century resurgence of the Democratic Party.

It’s time for them to let go and allow a new generation to lead.


June 2, 2017 at 1:18 pm
Norm Kelly says:

'Democrats would rather be right than win'. Except they have been neither. Outside of Roy winning in NC, where else are demons winning or being right? And let's face it, the only reason Roy won is because of the lies told by him and his allies in media about his opponent. Roy ran on the single issue of repealing HB2; again protecting a single, small constituency at the expense of the vast majority. Roy was/is supporting a problem that does not exist. Yet, by telling lies repeatedly, too many people started believing it. Just like most things lib, tell the same lie often enough, some people begin to believe it's true.

'Democrats are losing because they are clinging to 20th Century strategic priorities ... as if no progress has been made in the last 50 years'. But, what's the truth? Let's face it, according to demons and their allies in media, we haven't just NOT made progress, we've gone backwards. What is Rahm doing to change this perspective? How's the black-on-black crime rate in Chicago doing? How's the overall crime rate in Chicago doing? Since demons have reigned in Chicago for so long, what's changed FOR THE BETTER in Chicago? If demons can point to anything positive, it should be happening in a lib stronghold like Chicago, right? For another example, how about California. Talk about a lib stronghold. Those boneheads even voted for Hildaliar! How's liberalism and the Demoncrat party doing for the economy of California? Are lib policies creating massive budget surpluses? Are lib policies driving major businesses to move there? Or are 'the rich', hated by all demons, and businesses moving OUT of liberal strongholds like California and NY? Should Roy be following the failing example of California or NY or even the venerated Rahm? God Forbid!

Despite all the listed failures of the Obummer administration, the author finishes with an outrageous statement: 'the Clinton campaign failed to prioritize economic opportunity'. No, she did not! She expressed herself quite well, when she stepped off her pedestal to bother speaking at average people. Every chance she got, she promised to not just continue failed Obummer socialist policies, but to expand on his failures! She was quite clear on her schemes to ignore the U S Constitution, to rule by executive fiat as Obummer had done, and to continue to pit groups against each other, dividing as her predecessor had done, rather than uniting. One success not mentioned in this article of the almost black savior of the demon party was improving race relations more than had ever been done in the history of the nation, possibly the world! Race relations were better after the savior than before, and Clinton promised to continue to follow the same schemes to continue to improve race relations. (and if you believe any of the race comments you are either a die-hard lib, a demon pol, or a media ally of demons. cuz thinking people know that race relations took about a 100 year step backwards under the failure of the first almost black President!)

'This is the first campaign that I can recall where my party did not talk about what it always stood for' says sad Uncle Joe. Except what he fails to understand is that demons did exactly this, they talked non-stop about continue policies that have been failing for at least 60 years. Policies that have been failing blacks more than any other single group. Yet, for some reason, which Tavis may or may not acknowledge, blacks continue to vote for the failing policies of libs. Demons haven't changed their message to blacks since Kennedy. Blacks haven't changed their desire/plan to keep blacks dependent on libs since Johnson. That's all libs do when running for office or talking about policy issues - rely on the past, rely on their prior failures (which they tout as successes), point to prior issues that they like/support/endorse. Everything lib is history and not future. If libs want to become relevant again, they must start looking to the future. They must start recognizing the ability of ALL people. And they must start recognizing that freedom has created a nation more prosperous than any other at any other time in history. Our nation is over $20TRILLION in debt. What policy of ANY lib/demon claims to do ANYTHING about this unsustainable number? What lib policy claims to do anything to reduce this number? What lib even recognizes that this is a problem? What lib schemes are being pushed by libs & media allies that will make this problem even worse? Every lib scheme is designed to be more destructive, economically.

What is to be praised about todays' libs? Nothing! What policy has been put forth by demons that does anything to leave people to their own desire for success? Nothing! What regulation are libs willing to eliminate so average people can have the shackles removed? None! All libs, including the venerate Rahm, scheme to add more regulation, more control, more restriction on every day life of every citizen!

Gotta work for a living. Can't spend any more time on this garbage. Perhaps having to work is what makes me such a libertarian. If I had the luxury of sitting around, collecting gov't welfare, not having to work, I'd be a dedicated lib also. What explains media types? Don't they work for a living? So, lib media types, what gives? How do you all justify doing such a poor job at the job you chose to do? When will media allies finally wake up, take off the blinders, and DO YOUR JOBS!?