Balanced Debate For The Old North State.

My Spin by Tom Campbell

The N.C. state budget dance

It happens each year. What starts out as a box-step Waltz evolves into a confused Break Dance. Read More

4:21 p.m. Thursday

Shaking foundations

What is most shocking and disappointing is that the GOP has capitulated to the whims of a man-child and his compadre, a tyrant. Any representation we thought we had in our elected congress is buried in cowardice, petty arguing, and name calling.    Read More

by Lib Campbell   |   4:18 p.m. Thursday

Set clear priorities for road funding

North Carolina needs to spend about $6 billion to fix or replace state-maintained roads and bridges, along with $1.7 billion for municipal roads and bridges and $460 million for private roads.    Read More

by John Hood   |   3:15 p.m. Thursday

Elon Poll part 1:

Little support was seen for reduction or elimination of federal agencies; 51 percent distrusted DOGE, 45% disapprove of Trump's performance.    Read More

by Elon Poll   |   1:11 p.m. Thursday